Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 24:46-48; Acts 1:8

There lived a boy named Timothy. He was a friend of Jesus and loved to follow his father to preach in their neighbourhood. The father who was a pastor daily goes out with Timothy to preach the gospel. One day, it was raining heavily and the father decided that they should not go out to preach. However, Timothy told his father that he does not mind going out into the rain to preach. Thereafter, faithful Timothy took an umbrella, some tracts and a Megaphone and went out to preach. Surprisingly, during the service on Sunday, one young man came out to share the testimony of how a young boy’s preaching and the tracts he shared saved him from sudden death and hell fire. That boy was Timothy. Witness therefore means to tell others about the love of Jesus for sinners. Today, God is calling all His children to go and warn sinners of the danger of continuing in sin. As witness we are also expected to be constantly waiting and watching for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The end of the world is near. The message is divided into three parts.
1. JESUS’ COMMAND TO WITNESS: Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8.
Witness means to observe, see, watch or partake in a particular event. It also means to know about something because you actually saw it when it happened. As a Christian you are a witness for Jesus and you must tell others what He has done for you.
Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He commanded His friends to preach the gospel to every Creature. If there is such a time to take this command seriously, it is NOW! The end of time is fast approaching. The happenings around the world show us that Jesus will appear in the sky any moment from now to take His friends to heaven.
It is only those who are saved and holy that will make the rapture. Those that will be left behind will suffer in the hands of the anti-Christ and will eventually go to hell.
You must have compassion for sinful boys and girls around you. Go out on a regular basis to preach the love of Jesus to sinners.
God has made born-again children to be watchmen to sinners and backsliders. God is kind, merciful and will forgive sinners if they repent. Friends of Jesus are therefore to warn sinners and backsliders of the danger of refusing to repent. Remember that delay is very dangerous. Sinners are dying daily and going to eternal punishment in hell.
2.   WATCHING FOR THE SAVIOUR’S RETURN: Matthew 25:1-13; Acts 1:10-11; John 14:1-3.
Jesus Christ said that He would come back again. Jesus will come at a time we do not expect. He warned many times saying “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 25:13). Faithful believers must therefore be ready at all times for the Lord’s coming (Matthew 24:43). Watching demands having extra oil like the five wise virgins. This oil represents faith, holy living, self-control, perseverance, obedience, and the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. A Christian child that does not want to miss out at the Lord’s coming must not be careless but watch!
Watch your: (i) Words - speak the truth always, preach the gospel and encourage others to Stand for Christ and be very prayerful (ii) Activities: be busy in the service of our Saviour. Do not neglect your duties to sinners and the saints and be separated from the world and its attractions. (iii) Thoughts- read the word of God, think on it deeply and obey it at all times. (iv) Character and conduct: Be an example of a believer and shine the light for others to see Christ in you. (v) Heart: because out of its abundance the mouth speaks. Do not allow any wicked thought and unbelief in your heart. Maintain a clean heart, and constantly meditate on God’s word. As you do all these, you will be ready to go with Jesus when He comes.

While we are waiting and watching for Christ return, you must preach the gospel always that sinners would not die and go to hell. There are many blessings for preaching the gospel: (i) many souls will be saved (ii) God will be happy with you. (iii) Prayers will be answered. (iv) Prosperity. (v) Raptured with Jesus and live in heaven forever. If you have not given your life to Christ, come to Him now! You can be saved from your sins. All you have to do is tell God that you are sorry for all your sins. Ask Him to forgive you and wash your heart clean with the blood of Jesus. Invite Jesus into your life as your Saviour and Lord. Live in holiness of life, watching and waiting for Christ return. What I say unto you, I say unto all Watch!

1. What is Jesus’ command to His friends?
2. The time to take this command seriously is_______________________________
3. As friends of Jesus our waiting for the coming of Christ, they are to_________and_______
4. To WATCH involves watching our _________,  ________,  ________,  _______,  ____________
5. Mention two rewards for those who are faithful.

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