Tuesday, November 25, 2014


                             Mathew 24:36-47; John 14:1-3; I Thessalonians 4:13-18.
The period we are now is the time of grace, when anyone who is willing can turn from the way of sin to Jesus Christ and be saved from the great punishment that will soon come upon sinners in the world. We have learnt from the word of God that Jesus is surely coming back again. All the things that Jesus told his friends to expect as signs of His coming had already happened. (Mathew 24:3-12, 30-39). The Bible says that all the friends of Jesus living or dead will hear a shout, with sound of the trumpet and would be “caught up,” that is suddenly fly away to “meet the Lord in the air” and thereafter live forever with Jesus in His father’s house. Oh what a great flight and exciting journey this will be! Only true believers will partake of this great flight. This event is also referred to as the Rapture. Those who reject Jesus’ offer of salvation and refuse to repent would suffer greatly. All sinners, backsliders and careless believers would be left behind to face the Great Tribulation. It will be a period of uncommon sufferings and troubles the world has ever known. We shall consider three sub topics:
1. PASSPORT FOR THE GREAT FLIGHT: John 3:3-5,7; I Thessalonians 4:14-15
The passport identifies you as a citizen of a particular country. It is also a necessary travel document one must have before you can be allowed to enter into another country. Every child would like to travel with Jesus to heaven when He comes to take His friends. However, anyone who will go with Jesus is required to obtain the passport to become member of the kingdom of God; which is to become born again. Jesus says that it is compulsory“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” To be born again: (a) Realise that you are a sinner (b) Repent from all your sins (c)Request for God’s forgiveness (d) Receive Jesus into your heart to be your Saviour and Lord (d) Rejoice that you are now a child of God. When you are born again you receive Salvation from sin and a passport to heaven.                                                                                      
2. PURITY; THE VISA OF WAITING SAINTS: Mathew 5:8; Titus 2:11-14; Hebrews 12:14
A visa is a stamp of authority put in your passport by the official of a foreign country that gives you permission to enter their country.  Just like a traveler who has a passport without a visa cannot be allowed to enter another country, so will a Christian without holiness, not enter into the kingdom of God. Jesus also shed His blood to make us holy. To be made holy in heart, a friend of Jesus must have strong desire to be holy, pray in faith and believe that God has done it. Purity of heart is a necessary mark in the life of a born again child who will be ready to meet the Lord when He comes. (Psalm 24:3,4). Pure heart is what gives you the power to continue to live in holiness of life. And you constantly watch and pray as you wait for the Lord to come.
3. PAINS AND REGRETS OF THE CARELESS: Mathew 24:21, 22, 29; 2Thessalonians 2:7-12; Psalm 9:17.
Jesus Christ is a very loving friend. He does not want His friends to suffer in the Great Tribulation. He therefore gave many instruction and warning so that none of His friends will be left behind when He comes.  After the great flight and the true friends of Jesus have been taken away to heaven, there shall be a period of the great troubles such was not since the beginning of the world to this time. A wise child takes to the instruction of his parents and he is delivered from great troubles. Those who shall miss the Lord at His coming shall suffer great agony, punishments and pains in the hand of the Antichrist and may finally perish forever in hell fire. Make sure you are not left behind. It is now time to seek the Lord.
1. What is the meaning of the period of grace?
2. What is the passport for anyone that desire to go with the Lord when He comes?
3. As visa is to passport so is _______________ to being born again.

(a)What should a sinner do to be saved? (b) What will one who is born again do to be ready for the great flight?                                             

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