Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Text: James 1:12-16

         You are all welcome to today’s fellowship in Jesus’ name. Our topic today is very important for every child who desires to remain as friends of Jesus and also live with Him in heaven at last.
         What is temptation? Temptation is the suggestion from the devil to do bad things. It is also the test or trial of faith which friends of Jesus must face in their Christian journey. The devil is the source of every temptation. His aim is to stop believers from following Jesus and thereby miss heaven. The devil uses people and things around you to tempt you to either steal, fight, tell lies, disobey or even fight back when offended. But you must not surrender to him.
         It is important to know how you can run away from temptation:
(a) Whenever the devil suggests to you to sin and disobey God, you must say “No”
(b) Run away from the devil the tempter and every object of temptation (1 Peter 5:8-9) (c) Watch and pray always (Matthew 26:41) (d) Read God’s word, think on it, hide it in your heart and obey it (Psalm 119:11) (e) Determine to stand for Jesus in every
situation (Daniel 1:8) (f) Attend fellowship meetings regularly (Hebrews 10:25)
 (g) Run away from every appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22).
         Some friends of Jesus in the Bible overcame temptations. This show us that we too can overcome by God’s grace (a) Joseph (Genesis 39:7-12) (b) Daniel (Daniel 1:8)
(c) The three Hebrew children (Daniel 3:1-30) (d) the Rechabits (Jeremiah 35:1-10)
(e) Job (Job 2:9-10). God will also make you an overcomer in Jesus’ Name.
         There are lots of rewards for the overcomers: (a) God will be happy with you.
(b) God will strengthen and empower you more (Matthew 4:11) (c) You will always enjoy Jesus’ presence (Daniel 3:25) (d) Divine favour and promotion (Genesis 41:37-44;
Daniel 2:48:49) (e) You will receive a crown of life and (James 1:12) (f) You will reign and rule with Jesus in Heaven (Revelation 3:21).
         For a sinful child to overcome temptation and receive the rewards for overcomers, he must do away with sin, believe on the Lord Jesus and become His friend. Then ask for grace and help to live a holy and overcoming life.

1. What is temptation?
2. Who is the source of temptation?
3. What should be your attitude during temptation?
4. Mention three people that overcame temptation in the Bible?
5. What are the rewards for overcomers?
6. Can a sinful child overcome temptation?
7. What must he do to become Jesus’ friend?

MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him” James 1:12.

ACTIVITY: A boy and a girl should share how they were once tempted and how they overcome.

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