Thursday, December 18, 2014


Philippians 4:1-4.

Rejoice means to express great happiness and joy. Tolu was so happy today, she went everywhere with smiles on her face. Her classmates wondered why she was so happy. When asked, she simply said that she was happy because she was a friend of Jesus and knew that Jesus is always with her. Wow! What a wonderful answer. Joy is an important aspect of our salvation in Christ. It is an inner peace and delight in God the Father, the Son the Holy Spirit and in the blessings that flows from our relationship with them. Friends of Jesus must rejoice always by recalling the Lord’s goodness, grace, presence and promises.
     The topic is sub-divided into three parts:
1. EXHORTATION TO REJOICE: John 16:33; I Peter 5:8.
     Believers are encouraged to always rejoice in the Lord no matter how tough the situation. Satan is the prince of this world. He deceives the people in the world to disobey God (Ephesians 2:1,2). He also opposes and tempts friends of Jesus to backslide and sin against God. However, Jesus has conquered for us on the cross of Calvary and given us victory over our enemy the devil. The worldly people want to make friends of Jesus to love the fashion, games, dancing, dressing, hair-do and lifestyle of the world which is an abomination before God. But as a friend of Jesus, you must rejoice always, be prayerful, observe your quiet time regularly and attend fellowship with other friends of Jesus. Victory will surely be yours in Jesus Name. 
     Life is full of troubles. Satan hates friends of Jesus and creates problems for them. But Jesus is ever near to make them rejoice and overcome all their trials. Paul and Silas sang praises to God in prison, Peter slept peacefully in the midst of soldiers (Acts 12:5), Jehoshaphat and Judah sang praises in the battle field (I Chronicles 20:20), the Apostle rejoiced after they had been beaten (Acts 5:40, 41). This was because they knew that Jesus is ever present with them. The joy of the Lord was therefore their strength. If you have fully given your life to Jesus, you too can have this kind of joy in time of trouble.
3. BENEFITS OF REJOICING IN THE LORD: Psalm 33:1-3: Philippians 4:4.
     God commands and encourages friends of Jesus to rejoice always. When we put on a sad outlook and we are down cast, we tell the world that our God is small and that He is not able. But when we rejoice and cheer up in times of trials or troubles, we are saying that our God is able and we trust Him to deliver us as He delivered Paul ana Silas. Rejoicing always is being obedience to God’s command and the right attitude of faith that glorifies God and puts Satan to shame. When we rejoice and praise God, we silence the devil and open the door for God to quickly help us out of our difficult situations.
     God does not accept the praises of sinful children. Therefore, if you are not born again, you must acknowledge your sins, confess and forsake them and ask Jesus to wash you clean with His blood. Then continue to rejoice in the Lord. Friends of Jesus are encouraged to rejoice in the Lord. “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!
1.  Mention three reasons why friends of Jesus should rejoice in the Lord.
2. The presence of God is the source of our joy. Yes/No?
3.  Mention three people who rejoiced in the Bible even in difficult times.
4.  Jesus wants us to rejoice, He has ________________________ the world.
5.  What must a sinful child do before his praises can be accepted by God?
MEMORY VERSE:Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4).

ACTIVITY: Children should rise up and sing praises to God.

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