Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Revelation 22:10-21.

This present time, is often referred to as the last days. This is because of the things that are now happening around us. They confirm all the things that the Bible said would happen when Jesus is about to come. All the signs concerning the second coming of Christ can be seen all around us. This is a clear fact which shows that the coming of the Lord is very near. Sinners in and outside the church, backsliders, careless and lukewarm Christians will be left behind during His second coming. Knowing that these things shall soon come to pass, what manner of persons ought believers to be? (II Peter 3:11).
      The study is in three parts:
1.  THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING:  Revelation 22:10-13; John 14:1-3.
      Jesus came into the world as it was prophesied, He was born of a virgin, He did great works, suffered, died and rose from the dead. When He was almost through with His work here on earth, He revealed to His friends the certainty of His second coming. His friends were very sad that Jesus was going to leave them. Then He gave them a sure promise that He was going to heaven to prepare a place for them and that He would definitely come back to take them home.
      The promise of Christ can never fail or change because He is God. The promise of Jesus’ second coming is a great comfort to all Christian boys and girls. The world is corrupt, wicked and will definitely pass away. As believers, we are not to be carried away by all the things we are seeing (I John 1:17). We must believe the promise of God and prepare for His coming. We should always remember this great promise and rejoice because Christ will surely come as He has promised and it will be very soon.
2.  THE PURPOSE OF HIS SECOND COMING:  Revelation 1:7,8; John 14:1-3.
      When Christ first come to the earth, He paid the price for our salvation by dying on the cross. He came to seek and to save the lost. But His second coming will be different. There are specific purposes for His second coming. These reasons are to:
1.   Bring to life the righteous people who have died (I Thessalonians 4:13,14).
2.   Change the bodies of the saints who are alive.
3.   Take all the saints (both resurrected and living) out of this world before the great tribulation
      (II Thessalonians 2:1,7,8).
4.   Take all the saints to be with Christ in heaven.
5.   Gather friends of Jesus to receive rewards for their love and labour.
6.   Gather all the saints together to partake of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
7.   Execute judgment upon the unrepented sinners in the world at the end.
      Jesus is coming to take believers to their place of rest, you must be prepared to go with Him. Do not        left behind!
      Revelation 22:10-14; Matthew 24:42-51; Luke 21:34-36; Ephesians 6:13.
      Jesus shared with us a lot of parables to show the need or importance of adequate preparation for His coming. The careless and unprepared children will be disappointed on that day. Therefore, you must be prepared and fully ready for the second coming of Christ. The greatest event that the church is waiting for now is the rapture, which is the first aspect of the second coming of Christ.
      To prepare for the coming of the Lord therefore, sinners and backsliders must repent of all sins, confess them to God in prayer, ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus, accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. They must also determine never to go back to sin any more. Friends of Jesus must be holy, spotless in speech and character, watchful, prayerful and continue preaching His word until He comes. Jesus is coming very soon. Do not let Him meet you unprepared!
1.   The second coming of Christ is very near. Yes/No?
2.   What did Jesus promise His friends in John 14:1-3?
3.   Mention three of the purposes of Jesus’ second coming.
4.   How should (a) sinners and backsliders (b) friends of Jesus prepare for His second coming?

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