Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Revelation 3:14-22

When something is not hot, we say that it is cold, and when it is not cold, it is had. But if it is neither hot nor cold, it is called lukewarm. When some children give their lives to Jesus, they will have great zeal to serve Him. As time goes on because of one thing or another, their love for Jesus will become low. Such children are said to be lukewarm in their Christian beliefs. Today, Jesus will set you free if you are one of them.
Lukewarmness is a condition where a child who has been a friend of Jesus
begins to show less interest is the things of God. Such a child will not like to attend fellowship regularly, and when asked, He will give excuses. He will not read his Bible or pray as before. He no longer tells others about Jesus. He now loves the things of this world more than God’s word. He loves sports, watching T.V, wearing worldly dresses and games.
Lukewarmness is caused by so many things: (a) The bad things happening around us (Matthew 24:12) (b) Prayerlessness (c) Problems and love of money, food, fashion and other things.
Jesus is not happy when any of His friends are neither cold nor hot towards the things of God. As Jesus warned the church in Laodicea, so also He is warning and
encouraging young children today to be fervent in serving Him. Do not stop loving Jesus. Overcome lukewarmness by reading, thinking on and obeying the word of God. Pray regularly and tell others about the love of Jesus. You must determine to continue to follow Jesus to the end.
Jesus has prepared good things for those who will overcome. You will sit and reign with Jesus forever.

1.      When something is not cold or hot, it is called________________________
2.      Mention two things you will see in the life of a child who is lukewarm.
3.      What does Jesus want such a child to do?
4.      How can a child overcome lukewarm attitude?

MEMORY VERSE: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot” Revelation 3:15.

ACTIVITY: Children should prayerfully sing this song “In to my heart” then pray for grace to love Jesus till the end.

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