Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Matthew 7:13-14
A Christian woman was shown a very fearful vision one day, she saw a very wide road and at the end of the road was a big gulf like a bottomless pit. On this road she saw great multitude of people moving towards this pit, she stood in the middle of the road warning people about the bottomless pit at the end of the road. A few people listened to her and turned back. Unfortunately majority refused to listen. They continued moving while dancing and partying until they got to the end of the road. The woman saw that as soon as the people got to the end of the road, they fell into the pit, before they could realize what has happened they were gone forever. The vision continued for a while and the woman woke up sweating. This is the broad way that leads to destruction.
         There are two ways opened to everybody. These two ways also lead to two different destinations which way do you choose? The message is in three parts:
1.   THE BROAD WAY: Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 13:24-30
The broad way is the way of sinners. It is the road that is wide enough to accommodate both the sinner and his load of sins. This broad way is filled with sinful habits such as stealing, lying, witchcraft, idol-worship, covetousness, immoral behaviors, envy, love of pleasure, fighting, cheating and every form of disobedience to God’s word. It is very sad to know that majority of children in the world today are walking in the broad way. They have no regard for God’s word; they are blind because they do not know that the broad way leads to eternal suffering in hell fire.
        If you are still a sinner, you are in the broad way. You are to repent and come out of this way now because there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
2.   THE NARROW WAY: Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 13:24-30
The narrow way is the straight road that leads to heaven. It is the highway of holiness. Sin or even any appearance of evil can never enter into the narrow way. For a sinner to walk in this narrow way, he must repent of his sins, ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus. Then he must turn away from sin and make Jesus his Saviour and Lord. The child must now continue to follow Jesus by (a) sincerely obeying God’s word (b)Earnestly seek His Kingdom and His righteousness (c) Persevere until the end in true faith, unity and love.
There are very few people on the narrow way, you can join them today. Delay may be dangerous.
When a sinful child turns from the broad way and repent of his sins, he becomes a candidate for the narrow way. All these blessings and more will come to his life; Perfect peace, God’s presence, Favour and Preservation, Good health, at last he will get to heaven and live with Jesus forever and ever. Do not follow the way of the majority. Come out of your sins and follow the narrow road. Jesus is waiting to receive us at the end of the narrow way.
1.          The broad way is the way of………………………………………………………………
2.          Mention five things you will find in the broad way…………………………………
3.          The broad way leads to……………………………………………………………………
4.          How can a sinful child turn from the broad way to the narrow way………………
5.          Mention three characteristics of people on the narrow way………………………
6.          The narrow way leads to………………………………………………………………………
Activity: Children should be lead in prayers for grace to walk in the narrow wa

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