Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Text: 1 Timothy 6:11-16; 2 Timothy 4:7, 8

The word ‘fight’ indicates violence, cruelty, destruction and bloodshed. Why then does our topic refer to “fighting” as good? The fight of Faith is the battle to free yourself from the power and control of Satan and his agents. It is a good fight because it is your deliberate effort to resist, reject and overcome the forces of evil that controls the world and seek to bring every friend of Jesus into disobedience against God’s Word.
Many friends of Jesus do not know that there is an endless fight on a daily basis in the spiritual kingdom. The fight is getting tougher as the coming of our Lord draws closer. Those who loved the Lord before are rejecting Him. They are no more living holy nor preaching the Gospel of salvation to sinners. Neither do they separate themselves from the ungodly practices of the people of the world. The plan of the enemy, Satan, is to weaken your Faith and trust in your Saviour, Jesus Christ. But as you put on the armour of God, you will overcome and receive your crown. The message is in three parts.
1. THE ENEMY OF THE BELIEVER: Ephesians 6:12; 1Peter5:8.
The first step in the fight of Faith is to correctly identify your enemies and your necessary weapons. You have an enemy whose plan is to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10; 10). Satan is our number one enemy. He is the originator and master of other enemies like (a) Sin:-greed, stealing, lying, jealousy, self-pity, cheating, unforgiveness, hatred, laziness, immorality, and every disobedience to God’s word. (b) Self – love of pleasure, pride and selfishness. (c) Worldly influences like entertainments, music, fashions, traditions, culture and many others. The suggestion to disobey God is extended to you every moment.  Like a devoted soldier, who is ready to give his life in order to defend his country, you must make up your mind never to yield to the temptations to offend and forsake Jesus. Satan is a deceiver and a liar
2. FIGHTING TO WIN:  2 Timothy4:7; Ephesians 6:10-18.
Paul the Apostle at the close of his Christian life said this “I have fought a good fight I have finished my course, I have kept the faith;” (2 Timothy 4:7). John the Baptist makes us to understand, that the Kingdom of Heaven is for the spiritually violent Christians. (Matthew 11:12). As a friend of Jesus, your life is in danger. You must take up the whole armour of God which is strong to give total victory over all the works of the devil. None of the weapon must be left out. They include: Salvation, Truth, Righteousness, Faith, Prayer, Daily reading and obeying God’s Word. A good Soldier of Christ is able to resist, fight against and overcome the fierce attack of Satan, self and the world. (2 Timothy 2:3). Some children think that fighting the good fight of faith ends with just mouth confession of Jesus as Friend and Saviour. In order to fight and win, friends of Jesus must (a) Remain loyal to the Lord Jesus (b) Continue to preach the gospel to win sinners. (c) Endure persecution and hardship like soldiers, willing to undergo difficulties and sufferings. Like athletes, willing to sacrifice and live lives of strict discipline. And like farmers, be patient in seed sowing and committed to long hours of hard work. (d) Always prepare and be watchful for the coming of the Lord.
3. CROWNS FOR WINNERS: 2 Timothy 4: 8; Revelation 21:7.
Those who fight and win the good fight of Faith have a great reward to receive. Paul the Apostle refers to this as a crown of righteousness. “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.” (2 Timothy4: 8). Remember, he that endures to the end shall be saved and greatly rewarded (1Corinthians 3:8).

1. The fight that believers are engaged in is called…………………….
2. Identify the enemies that friends of Jesus are to fight against.
3. Mention the weapons needed to fight the enemies.

4. What must friends of Jesus do to win the good fight of faith?

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