Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Text: Luke 18:9-14.

Our study today focuses on two people who came to the house of God to pray. One of them was a Pharisee, a self righteous, self conscious kind of sinner. He thought that his religious activities and good works are enough to save him. The other who is a publican came humbly and asked for God’s mercy, knowing that only God can forgive him and save him from eternal suffering in hell.
     The Lord used this parable to illustrate the two kinds of sinful boys and girls who come to the house of the Lord today. The question is, who among these worshippers do you represent?
     Our study shall be considered under three sub-topics:
     The Pharisee was a self centred, self-conscious, proud and arrogant sinner. He felt that his participation in religious activities was enough to take him to heaven. He was not conscious of his sinful state, his own unworthiness and constant need for God’s help, mercy and grace. This kind of self-righteous sinners are common in many places of worship today. They always claim they are born again because their fathers are pastors and their mothers are women leaders. Some think because they have been attending church since their infancy, they are automatically qualified for heaven.
     They may be gentle but they have never accepted Christ as their personal Lord through sincere repentance. Although, they have been in the church for long, they cannot live above sin. They abuse, fight, are stubborn, self-willed and disobedient to their parents. They even bear christian names, sing in the church, pay their tithes, lead prayers but they are not born again. These kind of boys and girls are not different from the Pharisee. Are you like the Pharisee? You must repent now.
2.  SINCERE SINNERS: Luke 18:13,14; 19:1-10.
     The publican who is a tax collector is an example of a sincere sinner. He did not think of what people would say. He knew that he was a sinner. He also acknowledged that he could not save himself from sin, neither can his good works, religious activities and efforts deliver him. He knew that all his righteousness was like dirty rags before God (Isaiah 64:6). He came humbly with sorrow and cried out for God’s mercy. He received forgiveness and pardon from the Lord.
     The door of God’s mercy is open to you, come to Jesus now!
3. SINCERE SEEKER RECEIVED PARDON: Luke 18:14; Psalm 34:18; 51:17; Isaiah 66:2.
     The Pharisee received pardon and went back home with peace in his heart. The Lord Jesus wants us to come to His presence with humility, sincerity and open heart so as to receive the best. Do not blame others for your bad doings. Accept that you are a sinner who need the Saviour. Come to the Lord today, because tomorrow may be too late (II Corinthians 6:2). As you come humbly, confess your sins, ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus, ask the Lord to come into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour. God will pardon you, cleanse you and give you a new nature.

1.  Who is a sinner?
2. Mention two different kinds of sinners in our study today.
3.  Who among the two is a sincere seeker?
4.  Can a sinful boy/girl be saved by paying tithes and offering, Yes/No?
5.  What should a sinful child do to be saved?
MEMORY VERSE:The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” (Psalm 34:18).

ACTIVITY: Children should pray to be genuinely saved.

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