Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Text: Romans 8:35-37; Ephesians 6:10-18

The word conquer means to be victorious, to defeat, overcome, win or to rule over a certain people or situations. Who is the child that conquers? Gently beat your chest and say to yourself, “I am the child that conquers”. The child that conquers is a friend of Jesus who lives a daily life of victory. He always thinks of how to glorify and please Jesus His friend, who has promised to come and take him to heaven. The child that conquers can be likened to Samuel, Joseph and Daniel in the Bible. They had victory over temptations, tests, persecutions and pains in their evil environment and over Satan and the flesh. They passed through all these and were not defeated. They are now in heaven and will live forever with God. You can also decide and determine to be the child that conquers.  We shall divide the message into three parts:

1. DANGER AND TROUBLES IN THE LAST DAYS: Matthew 24:4-13; 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
The times we are living now are dangerous times. These are the last days. There are many bad things happening around us today. Some of the characteristics of this present time which you MUST run away from are: (a) disobedience and being rebellious to parents, godly teachers and leaders. Children are no longer willing to take instructions from their teachers. (b) Watching of bad films and magical cartoons which introduce children into the art of magic and evil things. (c) Violence, killings and crime. Innocent children and adults are being killed because of their faith. (d) Wickedness, hatred, ungodly practices and lack of love.
Some friends of Jesus are no longer committed to telling others about Jesus. Their love for Jesus is getting cold. Sinful children are doing all they can to influence friends of Jesus to copy their bad way of life. When friends of Jesus refuse to join them, they mock, make jest and sometimes threaten to kill them. They form gangs (peer groups) and refuse to play with friends of Jesus and do all they can to make them unhappy and feel sorry for being friends of Jesus. Many Parents discourage their children and do all they can to make them stop following Jesus. All these have put fear in the hearts of many friends of Jesus and some of them are already turning back from following Jesus. Remember that only those who will endure to the end shall be saved.

The word “conquer” is a military word. You must make up your mind and determine to break away from every ungodly friendship and temptation to sin (Proverbs 1:10). There are many boys and girls in the Bible that conquered: (a) Joseph conquered the hatred of his brothers by showing them love and overcame the temptation of Potiphar’s wife because of his love and fear of God (Genesis 39:8,9). (b) Moses refused to accept the ungodly wisdom and idol worship in Egypt. He rather chose to remain with the people of God. He had faith in God (Hebrews 11:25-26). (c) Esther conquered the enemies of the Jews through prayer and trust in God (Esther 4:16. 7:3-7). (d) Daniel and his friends overcame the wickedness and idol worship in Babylon because of their prayer and obedience to God’s word (Daniel 1:8; 3:16,17). (e) Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ, conquered immorality and uncleanness in her time and kept herself pure.She later became the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. (f)  Timothy conquered by turning away from his bad ways, believed in Jesus as his Saviour from his childhood and grew to be a great pastor who preached the love of Jesus to others (2 Timothy 1:5; 4:2). God will make you a conqueror and bless you as you learn from the examples of these boys and girls.

3. DAILY LIFESTYLE AND WEAPON OF CONQUERORS:I Corinthians 15:57-58; Ephesians 6:11-18

A child who remains as a sinner and rejects the word of God cannot conquer in these trouble filled life. To be a winner and continue to conquer, you must first be a friend of Jesus and continue to live a daily life of obedience to the word of God and be His permanent friend till the end. This is what it means to abide in Christ (John 15:4-8, 14). In order to remain strong and be unbeatable in the battles of life every day, you must also: (i) daily read, listen to and think on God’s word. (ii) Pray always and have faith in God. (iii) Live daily by God’s word and trust Him. (iv) Keep away from evil friends and the ways of this world (I Corinthians 15:13). (v) Follow peace, speak the truth and be holy at all times. (vi) Daily expect the coming of Jesus and tell others about the good news of His love and salvation. This is what it means to put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Are you living a life that conquers? Arise, go forth and begin to conquer for Christ.

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