Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Text: Psalm 24:3-6; 15:1-5; Luke 18:1-8

Victory is success achieved in a contest or battle against an enemy or opponent. It also means to win, succeed or overcome a difficult situation or an obstacle. We are living in a corrupt, sinful and wicked world. Friends of Jesus are in constant battle against the enemy of their souls, self, Satan and his messengers. They are also struggling to overcome bad attitudes like laziness, prayerlessness, fear and temptations to live worldly. God wants you to be victorious and never practice the evil ways of the children of this world (1 John 2:15-17).There is need to have victory in every area of your life. Our message is divided into three parts.

1. THE FIRST STEP TO VICTORY: John 3:3-8, 36; 1 John 1:8, 9.
Victory is not easy to achieve. No wonder people often use the term “hard won victory” whenever a person achieves victory after much struggles. The pressure of worldly activities such as indecent dressing, immoral friendship, watching of dirty pictures, dancing to worldly music, cheating to succeed in examinations and other bad things, are drawing many children away from God. How be it, God is our only help in time of trouble. You can only overcome by taking the right step or decision at the right time. The Bible is your guide to a sure way to victory. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”. (1 Corinthians 15:57). The first step to victory begins with your decision to love Jesus and accept Him as your Saviour and friend (1John 5:4-5). You must pray and tell Jesus all the bad things that you have done, turn away from them and ask Him to abide and rule in your heart as Saviour and Lord. The salvation of your soul is the very first step to victory in this corrupt and wicked world. After salvation you must press forward to become holy and be like Jesus Christ at all times.

2. GOD’S COMMAND TO BE HOLY: 1 Thessalonians 4:7; Leviticus 11:44, 45; Hebrews 12:14-17.
God is righteous and holy in all His works (Psalm 145:17). He therefore commands all His children to be holy like Him. It is a must for every true child of God to be holy. Living a holy life is not for Pastors, Teachers and your Parents alone but also for boys and girls who are friends of Jesus. Without holiness, no one, child or adult shall see or live with God (Hebrews 12:14). You must therefore have a strong desire to be holy. You will also seriously pray to receive a pure heart and the power to constantly live a holy life. When you become holy, you will love God with your whole heart, soul and with all your mind, you will also be free from inward and outward sin. You will be loving, gentle, honest, meek and lowly like Jesus Christ. Your life and speech will attract and win others to Jesus Christ. A life of holiness is powerful. God loves the righteous and has promised to give every good thing to those who are holy (Psalm 84:11).

3. VICTORY THROUGH HOLINESS AND PRAYER: Psalm 24:3-6; Luke 18:1-8; Psalm 146:8.
In order to enjoy constant victory through holy living, every child of God is commanded to pray.

Many friends of Jesus have been defeated in times of temptations, trials and problems because they do not pray fervently.  Children who cannot tell their troubles to Jesus will not enjoy the victory that Jesus has promised His friends. Holiness and prayer are two essential weapons for daily victory over sin, Satan and the world. We receive and enjoy all things that God has promised us in His word by living holy and being prayerful (Psalm 34:17; 106:3). Holiness and prayer make you to become a very close friend of God. You must be holy and also prayerful. Prayer without living a life totally free from sin is a fruitless exercise. God wants us to come to Him in prayer with clean hands and pure heart (Psalm 24:3-5). Move on to victory by living holy and being prayerful because Jesus has conquered for us (John 16:33b). Rise up and let us pray.

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