Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Text;Revelation 1:7,8.

Certainty means something that is definitely true or that will definitely happen. That is, to be very sure about something without doubting. We breathe in air but we cannot touch it, yet we are very sure that air exists. The second coming of Jesus is as sure as the air we breathe.
      Before Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, God sent many prophets to speak about His unique birth and life. It took thousands of years before it happened. Many doubted and perished in their unbelief, while many others believed and waited for the fulfilment of the prophecies. In the same way, the Bible is full of prophesies about Jesus’ second coming.
      As believers, we know of a surety that Jesus is coming back again. If you believe this truth, then you must prepare and be ready at all times.
      The study is in three parts:
      Revelation 1:7,8; Daniel 7:13,14; II Peter 3:1-13.
      Prophecy is a statement that something will happen in the future, especially one made by somebody with spiritual power or gift. God will not do anything without making His mind known to His children. Before Jesus was born, He sent prophets to tell the world of the glad tidings of His birth. Also, the Bible is filled with a lot of prophecies about Jesus’ second coming.
      There are about 333 prophecies about Jesus in the Bible. 109 has been fulfilled at His first coming. 244 are still to be fulfilled at His second coming. Of the 46 Old Testament prophets, less than 10 of them spoke about His first coming. While 36 of them spoke about His second coming. There are over 1,500 Old Testament passages that refer to the second coming of Jesus Christ. 1 out of 25 New Testament verses directly refers to the second coming of Christ. Jesus refers to His return 21 times and warns us to be ready for His return. These statistics shows us the importance of the subject of Christ’s second coming. The whole duty of the church is to get ready for His coming, preach the gospel, get sinners to be saved and prepare them to meet the Lord. Are you ready? The Lord’s coming is near.
      The second coming of Jesus is in systematic stages as follows:
(a)  The Rapture: I Thessalonians 4:13-17.
This is the first phase of Christ’ second coming which the church is preparing for now. The rapture is the catching up of all true friends of Jesus to meet the Lord in the air. The trumpet will sound and only friends of Jesus who are ready will hear. Then in a twinkling of an eye, both the dead in Christ and saints that are alive will be changed and fly to meet Jesus in the air.
Other events after the rapture are: the marriage supper of the Lamb and the period of the great tribulation which will last for seven years.
(b)  The second coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-5; Jude 14; Revelation 19:11-21.
Immediately after the great tribulation, Jesus will come back to the earth with the raptured saints to rule the nations and set up His millennial kingdom (1,000 years). The rapture can occur any moment from now. There is need to be ready no matter what it will cost you.
      Revelation 1:10,11; I Timothy 4:11-16; II Timothy 4:1-5.
      “And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.” (Revelation 22:10). This is a call for all true friends of Jesus to spread the message of Christ’ second coming to everyone. Tell sinners to repent and come to Jesus for forgiveness and cleansing in His blood. Be watchful, prayerful live holy and make yourself ready.
      Encourage other friends of Jesus to be ready at all times for the coming of the Lord. The wise virgins had extra oil which symbolizes purity of life. Be pure in your thoughts, actions, motives and general lifestyle. Make sure that you are qualified for the rapture. Jesus is coming very soon.
1.   The prophecies in the Bible confirm that Jesus is coming very soon. Yes/No?
2.   In the programme of the end time activities, which one comes first - rapture or the second coming of Christ?
3.   Mention two events that will take place after the rapture.

4.   How should friends of Jesus prepare and be ready for the second coming of Christ?

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