Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 24:46-48; Acts 1:8

There lived a boy named Timothy. He was a friend of Jesus and loved to follow his father to preach in their neighbourhood. The father who was a pastor daily goes out with Timothy to preach the gospel. One day, it was raining heavily and the father decided that they should not go out to preach. However, Timothy told his father that he does not mind going out into the rain to preach. Thereafter, faithful Timothy took an umbrella, some tracts and a Megaphone and went out to preach. Surprisingly, during the service on Sunday, one young man came out to share the testimony of how a young boy’s preaching and the tracts he shared saved him from sudden death and hell fire. That boy was Timothy. Witness therefore means to tell others about the love of Jesus for sinners. Today, God is calling all His children to go and warn sinners of the danger of continuing in sin. As witness we are also expected to be constantly waiting and watching for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The end of the world is near. The message is divided into three parts.
1. JESUS’ COMMAND TO WITNESS: Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8.
Witness means to observe, see, watch or partake in a particular event. It also means to know about something because you actually saw it when it happened. As a Christian you are a witness for Jesus and you must tell others what He has done for you.
Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He commanded His friends to preach the gospel to every Creature. If there is such a time to take this command seriously, it is NOW! The end of time is fast approaching. The happenings around the world show us that Jesus will appear in the sky any moment from now to take His friends to heaven.
It is only those who are saved and holy that will make the rapture. Those that will be left behind will suffer in the hands of the anti-Christ and will eventually go to hell.
You must have compassion for sinful boys and girls around you. Go out on a regular basis to preach the love of Jesus to sinners.
God has made born-again children to be watchmen to sinners and backsliders. God is kind, merciful and will forgive sinners if they repent. Friends of Jesus are therefore to warn sinners and backsliders of the danger of refusing to repent. Remember that delay is very dangerous. Sinners are dying daily and going to eternal punishment in hell.
2.   WATCHING FOR THE SAVIOUR’S RETURN: Matthew 25:1-13; Acts 1:10-11; John 14:1-3.
Jesus Christ said that He would come back again. Jesus will come at a time we do not expect. He warned many times saying “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 25:13). Faithful believers must therefore be ready at all times for the Lord’s coming (Matthew 24:43). Watching demands having extra oil like the five wise virgins. This oil represents faith, holy living, self-control, perseverance, obedience, and the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. A Christian child that does not want to miss out at the Lord’s coming must not be careless but watch!
Watch your: (i) Words - speak the truth always, preach the gospel and encourage others to Stand for Christ and be very prayerful (ii) Activities: be busy in the service of our Saviour. Do not neglect your duties to sinners and the saints and be separated from the world and its attractions. (iii) Thoughts- read the word of God, think on it deeply and obey it at all times. (iv) Character and conduct: Be an example of a believer and shine the light for others to see Christ in you. (v) Heart: because out of its abundance the mouth speaks. Do not allow any wicked thought and unbelief in your heart. Maintain a clean heart, and constantly meditate on God’s word. As you do all these, you will be ready to go with Jesus when He comes.

While we are waiting and watching for Christ return, you must preach the gospel always that sinners would not die and go to hell. There are many blessings for preaching the gospel: (i) many souls will be saved (ii) God will be happy with you. (iii) Prayers will be answered. (iv) Prosperity. (v) Raptured with Jesus and live in heaven forever. If you have not given your life to Christ, come to Him now! You can be saved from your sins. All you have to do is tell God that you are sorry for all your sins. Ask Him to forgive you and wash your heart clean with the blood of Jesus. Invite Jesus into your life as your Saviour and Lord. Live in holiness of life, watching and waiting for Christ return. What I say unto you, I say unto all Watch!

1. What is Jesus’ command to His friends?
2. The time to take this command seriously is_______________________________
3. As friends of Jesus our waiting for the coming of Christ, they are to_________and_______
4. To WATCH involves watching our _________,  ________,  ________,  _______,  ____________
5. Mention two rewards for those who are faithful.


                             Mathew 24:36-47; John 14:1-3; I Thessalonians 4:13-18.
The period we are now is the time of grace, when anyone who is willing can turn from the way of sin to Jesus Christ and be saved from the great punishment that will soon come upon sinners in the world. We have learnt from the word of God that Jesus is surely coming back again. All the things that Jesus told his friends to expect as signs of His coming had already happened. (Mathew 24:3-12, 30-39). The Bible says that all the friends of Jesus living or dead will hear a shout, with sound of the trumpet and would be “caught up,” that is suddenly fly away to “meet the Lord in the air” and thereafter live forever with Jesus in His father’s house. Oh what a great flight and exciting journey this will be! Only true believers will partake of this great flight. This event is also referred to as the Rapture. Those who reject Jesus’ offer of salvation and refuse to repent would suffer greatly. All sinners, backsliders and careless believers would be left behind to face the Great Tribulation. It will be a period of uncommon sufferings and troubles the world has ever known. We shall consider three sub topics:
1. PASSPORT FOR THE GREAT FLIGHT: John 3:3-5,7; I Thessalonians 4:14-15
The passport identifies you as a citizen of a particular country. It is also a necessary travel document one must have before you can be allowed to enter into another country. Every child would like to travel with Jesus to heaven when He comes to take His friends. However, anyone who will go with Jesus is required to obtain the passport to become member of the kingdom of God; which is to become born again. Jesus says that it is compulsory“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” To be born again: (a) Realise that you are a sinner (b) Repent from all your sins (c)Request for God’s forgiveness (d) Receive Jesus into your heart to be your Saviour and Lord (d) Rejoice that you are now a child of God. When you are born again you receive Salvation from sin and a passport to heaven.                                                                                      
2. PURITY; THE VISA OF WAITING SAINTS: Mathew 5:8; Titus 2:11-14; Hebrews 12:14
A visa is a stamp of authority put in your passport by the official of a foreign country that gives you permission to enter their country.  Just like a traveler who has a passport without a visa cannot be allowed to enter another country, so will a Christian without holiness, not enter into the kingdom of God. Jesus also shed His blood to make us holy. To be made holy in heart, a friend of Jesus must have strong desire to be holy, pray in faith and believe that God has done it. Purity of heart is a necessary mark in the life of a born again child who will be ready to meet the Lord when He comes. (Psalm 24:3,4). Pure heart is what gives you the power to continue to live in holiness of life. And you constantly watch and pray as you wait for the Lord to come.
3. PAINS AND REGRETS OF THE CARELESS: Mathew 24:21, 22, 29; 2Thessalonians 2:7-12; Psalm 9:17.
Jesus Christ is a very loving friend. He does not want His friends to suffer in the Great Tribulation. He therefore gave many instruction and warning so that none of His friends will be left behind when He comes.  After the great flight and the true friends of Jesus have been taken away to heaven, there shall be a period of the great troubles such was not since the beginning of the world to this time. A wise child takes to the instruction of his parents and he is delivered from great troubles. Those who shall miss the Lord at His coming shall suffer great agony, punishments and pains in the hand of the Antichrist and may finally perish forever in hell fire. Make sure you are not left behind. It is now time to seek the Lord.
1. What is the meaning of the period of grace?
2. What is the passport for anyone that desire to go with the Lord when He comes?
3. As visa is to passport so is _______________ to being born again.

(a)What should a sinner do to be saved? (b) What will one who is born again do to be ready for the great flight?                                             


Text: 1 Timothy 6:11-16; 2 Timothy 4:7, 8

The word ‘fight’ indicates violence, cruelty, destruction and bloodshed. Why then does our topic refer to “fighting” as good? The fight of Faith is the battle to free yourself from the power and control of Satan and his agents. It is a good fight because it is your deliberate effort to resist, reject and overcome the forces of evil that controls the world and seek to bring every friend of Jesus into disobedience against God’s Word.
Many friends of Jesus do not know that there is an endless fight on a daily basis in the spiritual kingdom. The fight is getting tougher as the coming of our Lord draws closer. Those who loved the Lord before are rejecting Him. They are no more living holy nor preaching the Gospel of salvation to sinners. Neither do they separate themselves from the ungodly practices of the people of the world. The plan of the enemy, Satan, is to weaken your Faith and trust in your Saviour, Jesus Christ. But as you put on the armour of God, you will overcome and receive your crown. The message is in three parts.
1. THE ENEMY OF THE BELIEVER: Ephesians 6:12; 1Peter5:8.
The first step in the fight of Faith is to correctly identify your enemies and your necessary weapons. You have an enemy whose plan is to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10; 10). Satan is our number one enemy. He is the originator and master of other enemies like (a) Sin:-greed, stealing, lying, jealousy, self-pity, cheating, unforgiveness, hatred, laziness, immorality, and every disobedience to God’s word. (b) Self – love of pleasure, pride and selfishness. (c) Worldly influences like entertainments, music, fashions, traditions, culture and many others. The suggestion to disobey God is extended to you every moment.  Like a devoted soldier, who is ready to give his life in order to defend his country, you must make up your mind never to yield to the temptations to offend and forsake Jesus. Satan is a deceiver and a liar
2. FIGHTING TO WIN:  2 Timothy4:7; Ephesians 6:10-18.
Paul the Apostle at the close of his Christian life said this “I have fought a good fight I have finished my course, I have kept the faith;” (2 Timothy 4:7). John the Baptist makes us to understand, that the Kingdom of Heaven is for the spiritually violent Christians. (Matthew 11:12). As a friend of Jesus, your life is in danger. You must take up the whole armour of God which is strong to give total victory over all the works of the devil. None of the weapon must be left out. They include: Salvation, Truth, Righteousness, Faith, Prayer, Daily reading and obeying God’s Word. A good Soldier of Christ is able to resist, fight against and overcome the fierce attack of Satan, self and the world. (2 Timothy 2:3). Some children think that fighting the good fight of faith ends with just mouth confession of Jesus as Friend and Saviour. In order to fight and win, friends of Jesus must (a) Remain loyal to the Lord Jesus (b) Continue to preach the gospel to win sinners. (c) Endure persecution and hardship like soldiers, willing to undergo difficulties and sufferings. Like athletes, willing to sacrifice and live lives of strict discipline. And like farmers, be patient in seed sowing and committed to long hours of hard work. (d) Always prepare and be watchful for the coming of the Lord.
3. CROWNS FOR WINNERS: 2 Timothy 4: 8; Revelation 21:7.
Those who fight and win the good fight of Faith have a great reward to receive. Paul the Apostle refers to this as a crown of righteousness. “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.” (2 Timothy4: 8). Remember, he that endures to the end shall be saved and greatly rewarded (1Corinthians 3:8).

1. The fight that believers are engaged in is called…………………….
2. Identify the enemies that friends of Jesus are to fight against.
3. Mention the weapons needed to fight the enemies.

4. What must friends of Jesus do to win the good fight of faith?


Text:Matthew 11:28; Revelation 22:17

God’s plan is that all human beings will be saved and not perish in their sin. Therefore, He sent His only begotten Son to come to the world and die for our sins. Jesus Christ is compassionate and calls everyone, small and great, young and old, rich and poor to come now unto Him and receive salvation. He is willing to save all who come out of sin and give them rest. His rest includes freedom from sin, healing, deliverance, abundance and everlasting life. Jesus is calling you today. He says "Come Now!". Will you obey? This message is in three parts.

1. JESUS IS CALLING YOU NOW: Matthew 11:28; Isaiah 1:18-19; John 3:16;
In order to take away our sins, somebody had to die for us. Thus God sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Jesus rose from death on the third day and gave us victory over sin and death. Today, He invites every sinful child to come to Him. All sinners including boys and girls must come to Jesus 'now'.
(a) He is the creator of all things (John 1:1-3) (b) He is the Saviour of the world (Matthew 1:21; Acts 4:12) (c) All power belongs to Him (Matthew 28:18) (d) He is the Son of God (John 3:16) (e) He is the Good Shepherd (John 10:14) (f) He makes His children overcomers (John 16:33) (g) He is the giver of life and power (Luke 10:19) (h) All that you need in this life is in Christ Jesus. (i) He is the only way to the Heavenly Father “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). Answer the call of Jesus Christ and come to Him now. Those who come to Him will receive forgiveness and become God’s children.  They will not perish but have everlasting life. Delay may be dangerous. Tomorrow may be too late. Failure to come to Jesus 'now' is disobedience to God's call. Death may come or the rapture can take place anytime from now. Those who refuse Jesus’ call will be condemned on the last day…He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God”
(John 3:18).

2. HOW TO COME TO JESUS: Revelation 22:17; 1 John 1:7-9.
Our God is a loving Father and is willing to receive and pardon all who come to Him for salvation. This pardon does not come to us automatically. In other words, God does not force us to receive salvation. We must be willing to repent and accept the plan for our salvation. Jesus is still calling today. To answer the call of Jesus, the sinner must: (a) Know that he is a sinner (Psalm 51:3-5). (b) Confess his sins to God in sincere prayer and ask for forgiveness (1John 1:9; Psalm 51:1-2). (c) Turn away from all sins (1John 3:8-9). (d) Accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord (Acts 16:30-31). (e) Believe that he is saved and forgiven (John1:12; Roman 10:10-13). (f) Continue to follow and obey God’s word (Holy Bible). Never go back to sin again (John 5:14). As soon as these conditions are met, the sinner immediately receives forgiveness from God. There is no sin that God cannot forgive.
Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart today saying Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20). Jesus says come for “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”(John 6:37).  
3. BENEFITS OF COMING TO JESUS: Isaiah 1:19; Deuteronomy 28:1-13; John 1:12.
You become a bonafide child of God when you accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. You also have access to all the blessings and riches of His Kingdom. These include: (a) Peace in your hearts. (b) Joy. (c) Protection from every evil work. (d) Provision. (e) Favour with God and man. (g) Answers to prayers (b) All-round success (c) Victory. (d) Perfect healing and divine provision from God and (e) Living and reigning with Jesus forever. As you come to Jesus today, He will bless you abundantly and at last you will live with Him in heaven forever. Come to Jesus now!
1. Who commands sinners to come to Him?
2. State five reasons why sinners must come to Jesus.
3. What steps should a sinner take to get to Jesus?
4. Mention three benefits of coming to Jesus.


Revelation 22:10-21.

This present time, is often referred to as the last days. This is because of the things that are now happening around us. They confirm all the things that the Bible said would happen when Jesus is about to come. All the signs concerning the second coming of Christ can be seen all around us. This is a clear fact which shows that the coming of the Lord is very near. Sinners in and outside the church, backsliders, careless and lukewarm Christians will be left behind during His second coming. Knowing that these things shall soon come to pass, what manner of persons ought believers to be? (II Peter 3:11).
      The study is in three parts:
1.  THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING:  Revelation 22:10-13; John 14:1-3.
      Jesus came into the world as it was prophesied, He was born of a virgin, He did great works, suffered, died and rose from the dead. When He was almost through with His work here on earth, He revealed to His friends the certainty of His second coming. His friends were very sad that Jesus was going to leave them. Then He gave them a sure promise that He was going to heaven to prepare a place for them and that He would definitely come back to take them home.
      The promise of Christ can never fail or change because He is God. The promise of Jesus’ second coming is a great comfort to all Christian boys and girls. The world is corrupt, wicked and will definitely pass away. As believers, we are not to be carried away by all the things we are seeing (I John 1:17). We must believe the promise of God and prepare for His coming. We should always remember this great promise and rejoice because Christ will surely come as He has promised and it will be very soon.
2.  THE PURPOSE OF HIS SECOND COMING:  Revelation 1:7,8; John 14:1-3.
      When Christ first come to the earth, He paid the price for our salvation by dying on the cross. He came to seek and to save the lost. But His second coming will be different. There are specific purposes for His second coming. These reasons are to:
1.   Bring to life the righteous people who have died (I Thessalonians 4:13,14).
2.   Change the bodies of the saints who are alive.
3.   Take all the saints (both resurrected and living) out of this world before the great tribulation
      (II Thessalonians 2:1,7,8).
4.   Take all the saints to be with Christ in heaven.
5.   Gather friends of Jesus to receive rewards for their love and labour.
6.   Gather all the saints together to partake of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
7.   Execute judgment upon the unrepented sinners in the world at the end.
      Jesus is coming to take believers to their place of rest, you must be prepared to go with Him. Do not        left behind!
      Revelation 22:10-14; Matthew 24:42-51; Luke 21:34-36; Ephesians 6:13.
      Jesus shared with us a lot of parables to show the need or importance of adequate preparation for His coming. The careless and unprepared children will be disappointed on that day. Therefore, you must be prepared and fully ready for the second coming of Christ. The greatest event that the church is waiting for now is the rapture, which is the first aspect of the second coming of Christ.
      To prepare for the coming of the Lord therefore, sinners and backsliders must repent of all sins, confess them to God in prayer, ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus, accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. They must also determine never to go back to sin any more. Friends of Jesus must be holy, spotless in speech and character, watchful, prayerful and continue preaching His word until He comes. Jesus is coming very soon. Do not let Him meet you unprepared!
1.   The second coming of Christ is very near. Yes/No?
2.   What did Jesus promise His friends in John 14:1-3?
3.   Mention three of the purposes of Jesus’ second coming.
4.   How should (a) sinners and backsliders (b) friends of Jesus prepare for His second coming?


Text;Revelation 1:7,8.

Certainty means something that is definitely true or that will definitely happen. That is, to be very sure about something without doubting. We breathe in air but we cannot touch it, yet we are very sure that air exists. The second coming of Jesus is as sure as the air we breathe.
      Before Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, God sent many prophets to speak about His unique birth and life. It took thousands of years before it happened. Many doubted and perished in their unbelief, while many others believed and waited for the fulfilment of the prophecies. In the same way, the Bible is full of prophesies about Jesus’ second coming.
      As believers, we know of a surety that Jesus is coming back again. If you believe this truth, then you must prepare and be ready at all times.
      The study is in three parts:
      Revelation 1:7,8; Daniel 7:13,14; II Peter 3:1-13.
      Prophecy is a statement that something will happen in the future, especially one made by somebody with spiritual power or gift. God will not do anything without making His mind known to His children. Before Jesus was born, He sent prophets to tell the world of the glad tidings of His birth. Also, the Bible is filled with a lot of prophecies about Jesus’ second coming.
      There are about 333 prophecies about Jesus in the Bible. 109 has been fulfilled at His first coming. 244 are still to be fulfilled at His second coming. Of the 46 Old Testament prophets, less than 10 of them spoke about His first coming. While 36 of them spoke about His second coming. There are over 1,500 Old Testament passages that refer to the second coming of Jesus Christ. 1 out of 25 New Testament verses directly refers to the second coming of Christ. Jesus refers to His return 21 times and warns us to be ready for His return. These statistics shows us the importance of the subject of Christ’s second coming. The whole duty of the church is to get ready for His coming, preach the gospel, get sinners to be saved and prepare them to meet the Lord. Are you ready? The Lord’s coming is near.
      The second coming of Jesus is in systematic stages as follows:
(a)  The Rapture: I Thessalonians 4:13-17.
This is the first phase of Christ’ second coming which the church is preparing for now. The rapture is the catching up of all true friends of Jesus to meet the Lord in the air. The trumpet will sound and only friends of Jesus who are ready will hear. Then in a twinkling of an eye, both the dead in Christ and saints that are alive will be changed and fly to meet Jesus in the air.
Other events after the rapture are: the marriage supper of the Lamb and the period of the great tribulation which will last for seven years.
(b)  The second coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-5; Jude 14; Revelation 19:11-21.
Immediately after the great tribulation, Jesus will come back to the earth with the raptured saints to rule the nations and set up His millennial kingdom (1,000 years). The rapture can occur any moment from now. There is need to be ready no matter what it will cost you.
      Revelation 1:10,11; I Timothy 4:11-16; II Timothy 4:1-5.
      “And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.” (Revelation 22:10). This is a call for all true friends of Jesus to spread the message of Christ’ second coming to everyone. Tell sinners to repent and come to Jesus for forgiveness and cleansing in His blood. Be watchful, prayerful live holy and make yourself ready.
      Encourage other friends of Jesus to be ready at all times for the coming of the Lord. The wise virgins had extra oil which symbolizes purity of life. Be pure in your thoughts, actions, motives and general lifestyle. Make sure that you are qualified for the rapture. Jesus is coming very soon.
1.   The prophecies in the Bible confirm that Jesus is coming very soon. Yes/No?
2.   In the programme of the end time activities, which one comes first - rapture or the second coming of Christ?
3.   Mention two events that will take place after the rapture.

4.   How should friends of Jesus prepare and be ready for the second coming of Christ?


Matthew 7:13-14
A Christian woman was shown a very fearful vision one day, she saw a very wide road and at the end of the road was a big gulf like a bottomless pit. On this road she saw great multitude of people moving towards this pit, she stood in the middle of the road warning people about the bottomless pit at the end of the road. A few people listened to her and turned back. Unfortunately majority refused to listen. They continued moving while dancing and partying until they got to the end of the road. The woman saw that as soon as the people got to the end of the road, they fell into the pit, before they could realize what has happened they were gone forever. The vision continued for a while and the woman woke up sweating. This is the broad way that leads to destruction.
         There are two ways opened to everybody. These two ways also lead to two different destinations which way do you choose? The message is in three parts:
1.   THE BROAD WAY: Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 13:24-30
The broad way is the way of sinners. It is the road that is wide enough to accommodate both the sinner and his load of sins. This broad way is filled with sinful habits such as stealing, lying, witchcraft, idol-worship, covetousness, immoral behaviors, envy, love of pleasure, fighting, cheating and every form of disobedience to God’s word. It is very sad to know that majority of children in the world today are walking in the broad way. They have no regard for God’s word; they are blind because they do not know that the broad way leads to eternal suffering in hell fire.
        If you are still a sinner, you are in the broad way. You are to repent and come out of this way now because there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
2.   THE NARROW WAY: Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 13:24-30
The narrow way is the straight road that leads to heaven. It is the highway of holiness. Sin or even any appearance of evil can never enter into the narrow way. For a sinner to walk in this narrow way, he must repent of his sins, ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus. Then he must turn away from sin and make Jesus his Saviour and Lord. The child must now continue to follow Jesus by (a) sincerely obeying God’s word (b)Earnestly seek His Kingdom and His righteousness (c) Persevere until the end in true faith, unity and love.
There are very few people on the narrow way, you can join them today. Delay may be dangerous.
When a sinful child turns from the broad way and repent of his sins, he becomes a candidate for the narrow way. All these blessings and more will come to his life; Perfect peace, God’s presence, Favour and Preservation, Good health, at last he will get to heaven and live with Jesus forever and ever. Do not follow the way of the majority. Come out of your sins and follow the narrow road. Jesus is waiting to receive us at the end of the narrow way.
1.          The broad way is the way of………………………………………………………………
2.          Mention five things you will find in the broad way…………………………………
3.          The broad way leads to……………………………………………………………………
4.          How can a sinful child turn from the broad way to the narrow way………………
5.          Mention three characteristics of people on the narrow way………………………
6.          The narrow way leads to………………………………………………………………………
Activity: Children should be lead in prayers for grace to walk in the narrow wa


John 4:43-53
Aliu was 18 months old when he fell sick. Suddenly he became weak in his legs and could not walk again. His mother was very sad, she tried all she could but there was no relief for Aliu. Then she was advised to take him to the teaching hospital. At the hospital, the doctor examined Aliu and found that there was no bone in his left leg. Medical science could not solve the problem because the leg is all flesh. Aliu’s mother wept bitterly. One day, her brother came across the publicity about the great miracle crusade organized by Deeper Life Bible Church. She was encouraged to take Aliu to the stadium where the crusade took place. During the prayer of the man of God, Aliu felt a sensation in his left leg and in a flash he threw away his walking stick and started walking and jumping and praising God. That was how a boneless leg got new bones from the Lord.
God is still doing wonders in the lives of people today, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Whatever be the sickness in your life, Jesus will heal you and you will be whole. The message is in three parts:-
1.   THE ORIGIN OF SICKNESS: Genesis 3:1-7, John 5:14
Sicknesses and diseases came upon the human race as a result of sin. As soon as Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they lost the perfect nature that God has given them. Therefore, man is opened to all forms of affliction from Satan. The original plan of God was for us to be healthy all the days of our lives. However, Satan who is the originator of bad things deceived man to commit sin and then he lost his healthy state.
If you are a sinner, you are spiritually sick. You need to repent and turn from your bad ways. Ask Jesus for forgiveness and cleansing so as to be free from sin and sickness.
2.   THE HEALING OF A SICK BOY: John 4:43-53
The boy in our Bible passage was very sick almost at the point of death. When the father heard that Jesus was around in their community, he wasted no time in going to seek for the Lord. He believed that when Jesus speaks to his boy, he will be made whole. Jesus told him to go because his son has been made whole already. The man believed the word of Christ, went back home and met his son perfectly well. The man did not doubt Christ, he believed and his son was healed. Jesus is a loving and compassionate saviour. He is always moved when He meets with those that are suffering. Are you sick or is anyone sick in your family. Pray in faith and you will receive quick answers.
During His earthly ministry, Jesus went about doing good, healing the sick, setting captives free, delivering the oppressed and giving hope to the hopeless. There is nothing too hard for Him. To receive healing and total deliverance from sickness, you must pray in faith. It is very important to trust His promises in the word of God. There is nothing too hard for Him. As He heals in the Bible days, so He is healing today. You ought not to be sick. Jesus has paid the price for our healing. Believe God for your healing; pray also for people around you who are sick. Jesus will hear and heal you now. Take time to pray.
1.          …………......... brought sickness into the life of man.
2.          The father of the boy in our Bible passage believed the word of Jesus and his son was healed Yes/No.
3.          What should (a) sinner (b) a friend of Jesus do to receive total healing and deliverance from sickness?

4.          Jesus is the same ………………………., ………………… and ……………………………..


Revelation 3:14-22

When something is not hot, we say that it is cold, and when it is not cold, it is had. But if it is neither hot nor cold, it is called lukewarm. When some children give their lives to Jesus, they will have great zeal to serve Him. As time goes on because of one thing or another, their love for Jesus will become low. Such children are said to be lukewarm in their Christian beliefs. Today, Jesus will set you free if you are one of them.
Lukewarmness is a condition where a child who has been a friend of Jesus
begins to show less interest is the things of God. Such a child will not like to attend fellowship regularly, and when asked, He will give excuses. He will not read his Bible or pray as before. He no longer tells others about Jesus. He now loves the things of this world more than God’s word. He loves sports, watching T.V, wearing worldly dresses and games.
Lukewarmness is caused by so many things: (a) The bad things happening around us (Matthew 24:12) (b) Prayerlessness (c) Problems and love of money, food, fashion and other things.
Jesus is not happy when any of His friends are neither cold nor hot towards the things of God. As Jesus warned the church in Laodicea, so also He is warning and
encouraging young children today to be fervent in serving Him. Do not stop loving Jesus. Overcome lukewarmness by reading, thinking on and obeying the word of God. Pray regularly and tell others about the love of Jesus. You must determine to continue to follow Jesus to the end.
Jesus has prepared good things for those who will overcome. You will sit and reign with Jesus forever.

1.      When something is not cold or hot, it is called________________________
2.      Mention two things you will see in the life of a child who is lukewarm.
3.      What does Jesus want such a child to do?
4.      How can a child overcome lukewarm attitude?

MEMORY VERSE: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot” Revelation 3:15.

ACTIVITY: Children should prayerfully sing this song “In to my heart” then pray for grace to love Jesus till the end.


Text: James 1:12-16

         You are all welcome to today’s fellowship in Jesus’ name. Our topic today is very important for every child who desires to remain as friends of Jesus and also live with Him in heaven at last.
         What is temptation? Temptation is the suggestion from the devil to do bad things. It is also the test or trial of faith which friends of Jesus must face in their Christian journey. The devil is the source of every temptation. His aim is to stop believers from following Jesus and thereby miss heaven. The devil uses people and things around you to tempt you to either steal, fight, tell lies, disobey or even fight back when offended. But you must not surrender to him.
         It is important to know how you can run away from temptation:
(a) Whenever the devil suggests to you to sin and disobey God, you must say “No”
(b) Run away from the devil the tempter and every object of temptation (1 Peter 5:8-9) (c) Watch and pray always (Matthew 26:41) (d) Read God’s word, think on it, hide it in your heart and obey it (Psalm 119:11) (e) Determine to stand for Jesus in every
situation (Daniel 1:8) (f) Attend fellowship meetings regularly (Hebrews 10:25)
 (g) Run away from every appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22).
         Some friends of Jesus in the Bible overcame temptations. This show us that we too can overcome by God’s grace (a) Joseph (Genesis 39:7-12) (b) Daniel (Daniel 1:8)
(c) The three Hebrew children (Daniel 3:1-30) (d) the Rechabits (Jeremiah 35:1-10)
(e) Job (Job 2:9-10). God will also make you an overcomer in Jesus’ Name.
         There are lots of rewards for the overcomers: (a) God will be happy with you.
(b) God will strengthen and empower you more (Matthew 4:11) (c) You will always enjoy Jesus’ presence (Daniel 3:25) (d) Divine favour and promotion (Genesis 41:37-44;
Daniel 2:48:49) (e) You will receive a crown of life and (James 1:12) (f) You will reign and rule with Jesus in Heaven (Revelation 3:21).
         For a sinful child to overcome temptation and receive the rewards for overcomers, he must do away with sin, believe on the Lord Jesus and become His friend. Then ask for grace and help to live a holy and overcoming life.

1. What is temptation?
2. Who is the source of temptation?
3. What should be your attitude during temptation?
4. Mention three people that overcame temptation in the Bible?
5. What are the rewards for overcomers?
6. Can a sinful child overcome temptation?
7. What must he do to become Jesus’ friend?

MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him” James 1:12.

ACTIVITY: A boy and a girl should share how they were once tempted and how they overcome.


Text: Luke 18:9-14.

Our study today focuses on two people who came to the house of God to pray. One of them was a Pharisee, a self righteous, self conscious kind of sinner. He thought that his religious activities and good works are enough to save him. The other who is a publican came humbly and asked for God’s mercy, knowing that only God can forgive him and save him from eternal suffering in hell.
     The Lord used this parable to illustrate the two kinds of sinful boys and girls who come to the house of the Lord today. The question is, who among these worshippers do you represent?
     Our study shall be considered under three sub-topics:
     The Pharisee was a self centred, self-conscious, proud and arrogant sinner. He felt that his participation in religious activities was enough to take him to heaven. He was not conscious of his sinful state, his own unworthiness and constant need for God’s help, mercy and grace. This kind of self-righteous sinners are common in many places of worship today. They always claim they are born again because their fathers are pastors and their mothers are women leaders. Some think because they have been attending church since their infancy, they are automatically qualified for heaven.
     They may be gentle but they have never accepted Christ as their personal Lord through sincere repentance. Although, they have been in the church for long, they cannot live above sin. They abuse, fight, are stubborn, self-willed and disobedient to their parents. They even bear christian names, sing in the church, pay their tithes, lead prayers but they are not born again. These kind of boys and girls are not different from the Pharisee. Are you like the Pharisee? You must repent now.
2.  SINCERE SINNERS: Luke 18:13,14; 19:1-10.
     The publican who is a tax collector is an example of a sincere sinner. He did not think of what people would say. He knew that he was a sinner. He also acknowledged that he could not save himself from sin, neither can his good works, religious activities and efforts deliver him. He knew that all his righteousness was like dirty rags before God (Isaiah 64:6). He came humbly with sorrow and cried out for God’s mercy. He received forgiveness and pardon from the Lord.
     The door of God’s mercy is open to you, come to Jesus now!
3. SINCERE SEEKER RECEIVED PARDON: Luke 18:14; Psalm 34:18; 51:17; Isaiah 66:2.
     The Pharisee received pardon and went back home with peace in his heart. The Lord Jesus wants us to come to His presence with humility, sincerity and open heart so as to receive the best. Do not blame others for your bad doings. Accept that you are a sinner who need the Saviour. Come to the Lord today, because tomorrow may be too late (II Corinthians 6:2). As you come humbly, confess your sins, ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus, ask the Lord to come into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour. God will pardon you, cleanse you and give you a new nature.

1.  Who is a sinner?
2. Mention two different kinds of sinners in our study today.
3.  Who among the two is a sincere seeker?
4.  Can a sinful boy/girl be saved by paying tithes and offering, Yes/No?
5.  What should a sinful child do to be saved?
MEMORY VERSE:The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” (Psalm 34:18).

ACTIVITY: Children should pray to be genuinely saved.