Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Matthew 7:13, 14

There are different ways that leads to different places here on earth. In the spiritual, there are two ways that leads to two different ends. There are two ways laid out before everyone according to the word of God. One is the broad way that leads to hell while the other is the narrow way that leads to heaven. Heaven is a place that Christ has gone to prepare for His friends (John 14:1-3). There is only one way that leads to heaven; it is the narrow way, the narrow way of holiness. Jesus has made provision for every child that wants to go through this way. The way does not permit sin. It is the way of the cross that leads home. To walk in this way and get to heaven, a sinner/backslider must repent and forsake his old ways of sin. Choose the narrow way that will take you to heaven where you will live with Jesus Christ forever.
1. THE WIDE GATE AND THE BROAD WAY Matthew 7:13; Proverbs 16:25
The way of sinners is the broad way. It leads to everlasting suffering in hell fire. It has a wide gate that accepts the sinners and their sinful lifestyle. You are on the broad way if you are still lying, stealing, fighting, telling lies, quarrelling, cheating, disobedient, stubborn and covetous. Unfortunately, many people including boys and girls are following this way. They are spiritually blind and do not know that the broad way leads to destruction. Many children have been in the church, hearing the word of God daily, but still decide to remain on the broad way of anger, pride, singing bad songs, sinful relationships, unforgiven spirit, watching bad films, following bad gangs and being disobedient to parents.  Every child who refuses to repent now and turn away from sin will suffer in hell fire for ever; There is no coming out.
2. THE STRAIT GATE AND THE NARROW WAY Matthew 7:14; John 3:16-18; Isaiah 35:8
The narrow way is the way of salvation from sin. It is the way that leads to everlasting life with Jesus in heaven. Jesus is the way to eternal life (John 10: 9, 11).  There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12). From the time that Adam and Eve fell into sin and man lost fellowship with God. God has been calling all men back to the way of eternal life (John 14:6). Regrettably, many people at different period of time have always disregarded God’s call to return to the narrow way that leads to heaven. The strait gate and the narrow way is the way of Holiness. It is not popular, only few people love this way. It cannot accommodate you with your sinful activities. The narrow way leads to everlasting enjoyment, more than what tongues can describe.
If you are a sinner, you must choose the strait gate and narrow way. This is the best choice to make. The narrow way which is the way of salvation and holy living. Those who would walk on the narrow way must live in total obedience to the word of God. The things that will show forth in the life of those that are walking in the narrow way are: (a) Repentance, forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus (b) Holiness of life (c) Constant desire to please God in all things (d) Readiness to endure persecution and suffer for Christ (e) Love for everyone even our enemies (f) Determination to follow Jesus till the end. As Joshua called the people in his time to choose whom they would serve (Joshua 24:15), God is also calling you today to choose Jesus. He is the way to the Father and everlasting life in heaven (John 3:16; 14:6). Which one do you choose, the broad or narrow way?
3. ENTER IN THROUGH THE NARROW WAY Matthew 7:13a; Isaiah 1:18; John 10:9, 14:6
God wants everyone to enter through the narrow way that leads to heaven. He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world. (Acts 17:31).  For you to escape God’s judgment and eternal punishment, you must give your life to Jesus Christ as you do the following: (1) Realize your sinful state (2) Confess and forsake them (3) Ask God to forgive and wash away your sins with the blood of Jesus (4) Invite and receive Jesus into your heart as your Lord, personal Saviour and friend (5) continue to walk in the way of salvation as you fellowship regularly with other saved boys and girls.  Pray every day, read and obey God’s word. 
As you accept Jesus Christ into your life, you will walk daily on the narrow way by: (a) daily reading, thinking on and obeying God’s word. (b) Praying always (c) Telling others about the Saviour, Jesus Christ (d) Attending fellowship regularly (e) Visiting other friends of Jesus.
(f) Pressing forward to be sanctified and (g) be baptised with the Holy Ghost. As you daily walk on the narrow way, you are sure of entering into heaven. Rise up and pray.

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