Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Mark 16:15-20; Matthew 28:18-20

Sin and evil is increasing in this last days and God is not happy at all. There is wickedness and disobedience to God’s word. The coming of the Lord is very near and many boys and girls are lost in this sinful world. Many have died in sin, and gone into everlasting punishment in hell fire. In obedience to the great command of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, true friends of Jesus must arise and go out everywhere to rescue the sinful boys and girls from perishing. Jesus wants us to go and preach the gospel to every creature. We shall consider three points in this message.
1. COMMAND TO PREACH THE GOSPEL John 3:3, 14-18; Mark 16:15-20; John 15:16.
Jesus Christ is our Saviour, Master and Friend. He came to this world from heaven for the major work of saving and setting us free from sin. He saves people and calls them to be His friend so that they can also go and do the work of bringing others to Him. The Gospel is the good news of salvation through Jesus. The message of the gospel of Christ is about the Kingdom of God and repentance (Mark 1:14-15). We are to tell sinful boys and girls that God loves them but hates their sins. God does not want any sinner to perish, so He commands all to repent because He has appointed a day whereby He will judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:30-31). This is the message you must preach everywhere so that sinners will repent and be saved.
As true friends of Jesus, we must obey the Master’s Command which says: “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). We must move out everywhere, where sinners can be found; in our community, streets, schools, cities, country side and villages. It is not the will of God that any sinner should die in his or her sin. God is happy when we obey Him by preaching the gospel, and sinners turn away from their sinful and wicked ways.
The early church obeyed the Master and went forth preaching everywhere (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 8:4). Therefore, friends of Jesus today must obey the command of Jesus to go and preach the gospel without giving excuses. The work is urgent! The time is short, the workers are few, sinners are suffering and many are dying and perishing. Jesus may come at any time and sinners who are not saved will go to hell. Therefore, we must obey and go now without delay!
You must have accepted Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord before you can make Jesus known to others. You cannot give what you do not have. A sinful child cannot be a preacher of the gospel. Jesus does not send disobedient and stubborn children to preach the gospel. But He sends only those who have obeyed His call to “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Have you obeyed the call of Jesus to be saved? Are you washed by the blood of Jesus? Have you surrendered your heart to Jesus? If not, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to be saved, seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6-7).
2. HOW TO PREACH THE GOSPEL Mark 16:15-20; Acts 8:4, 26-35.
Immediately you become born again, Jesus wants you to reach out to others and tell them about the love of God for them.  When you have come to Jesus, you must also go for Jesus. “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Will you obey the master? There are many ways of bringing sinners to believe the gospel and accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Some of the methods are: 
(i) Person to person- personal contact, face to face, one to one preaching of the gospel to the sinner (John 3:1-3). (ii) Literature-sharing, tracts, gospel books, tender life magazine. 
(iii) Inviting people to retreat, crusade and church service.
 (iv) Letter writing, telephone and GSM text messages 
(v) film show 
(vi) musical concerts
 (vii) Bible Club. Whichever method we choose to use must be backed up by serious and fervent prayers.
Jesus only is our message. You are to preach the Gospel by lifting up Jesus. What are you to preach as you go out? Tell the sinners that 
(i) Jesus loves them and died for their sins (John 3:16). 
(ii) God hates the life of sin and disobedience to His word. (Genesis 6:5-7). 
(iv) God will soon bring judgment upon the whole world and those who refuse to repent will perish (Acts 17:30-31). 
(v) Anybody who repents will be saved. But those who continue in their wicked ways will be punished by God (Mark 16:16; Isaiah 55:6-7).
(vi) Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. There is no other way (Acts 4:12). 
(vii) They must also turn away from all their sins and give their hearts to Jesus now so that they can be saved (Romans 10:9-11). 
(viii) Pray with those who give their lives to Jesus and encourage them to continue to love the Lord by reading the Bible, praying every day, obeying the word of God and attending fellowship regularly.

3. RESULTS OF PREACHING THE GOSPEL Deuteronomy 28:1-3; Isaiah 1:19; Matthew 10:32.
Many good things will happen when we preach the Gospel and win sinners to Jesus:  
(a) Heaven will rejoice (Luke 15 10) 
(b) Your prayers will be answered (c) The church will grow 
(d) Sinners will be saved from hell (James 5:20). 
(e) Jesus will be happy with you. Are you a friend of Jesus? Are you telling others about Jesus? Go now and tell others about Jesus’ love for them. God has many rewards for those who obey Him and preach the gospel to others. They will: 
(i) Shine like stars forever. 
(ii) Have God’s favour upon them. 
(iii)Have answers to their prayers. 
(iv) Enjoy special protection from the Lord.
(v) Live with Jesus forever. 
(vi) Be filled with joy for obeying God. And there will be stars on their crown when they get to heaven. You must make up your mind to preach the gospel as a friend of Jesus. Many children are waiting to give their lives to Jesus. Go now and preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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