Wednesday, April 1, 2015


II Corinthians 6:14-18; James 4:4.
A friend is someone that you like very much, and also love to spend time with. As children of God, we must spend our time with children who love God and not with bad children who do bad things and refuse to serve God. People can generally be divided into two groups; those who are in Christ and those who are not. Friendship is born out of pure love, a relationship between two or more people which helps them to live peacefully with each other. Friends of Jesus are instructed not to go into close friendship with sinful children who love to do bad things.
      Bisi was a friend of Jesus, but Lola and Titi were very bad and naughty children. They did everything to make Bisi a member of their bad gang, but Bisi refused. They invited her to worldly parties, film shows and disco dances but Bisi firmly and politely rejected their offers. She refused to make friends with such bad children. She was a very good and faithful friend of Jesus. As friends of Jesus, you must make friends with godly children who love Jesus.
      The topic is divided into three parts:
1.  BECOMING A FRIEND OF GOD: Exodus 33:11; James 2:23; John 15:15.
      Some people in the Bible were described as friends of God, because they obeyed God and lived lives that was pleasing unto Him. God spoke to them as friends and used them to do great works. They were also blessed by God. Examples of such people are: Abraham (Genesis17:1; James 2:23); Moses (Exodus 33:11); the Disciples of Jesus (John 15:15). It is only when you decide to turn away from sin, give your life to Jesus Christ, accept Him as your Saviour and Lord, and commit yourself to daily obedience to His word that you can be qualified to be called a friend of God.
      Your friendship with God will make you to be different and separate from other sinful children in the world. You will say no to sinful suggestions of sinners (Proverbs 1:10) and never join them to worship false gods (Deuteronomy 12:30).
2.  SEPARATION FROM BAD FRIENDS: II Corinthians 6:14; James 4:4.
      Children of God are commanded not to make friends with bad and naughty children of the world. Friendship with them will make you to become an enemy of God (James 4:4). God also commands His children to be separate from the ways of the people of this world and not to love the things they love. As a friend of Jesus, you must reject their invitations to do bad things such as: attending their worldly parties, dressing or speaking like them.
      If you make friends with them, you will suffer greatly and miss the plan of God for your life. Some examples of people who made bad friends and suffered for it are: Samson, Dinah, Solomon, Demas etc. Samson lost his two eyes, died and the plan of God was not completely fulfilled in his life. Dinah was defiled and Demas went back from being a friend of Jesus because of the love of the world.
      All the riches and blessings of God’s kingdom are yours if you separate from the world because you are sons and daughters of God (II Corinthians 6:17,18).
3.  CHOOSING THE RIGHT FRIEND:         Amos 3:3; I Corinthians 15:33.
      The best friend to have is Jesus. When you become a friend of Jesus, He will give you the wisdom to choose the right friends. Before you engage in any close and intimate relationship with anybody, consider the following: (i) Is he/she a friend of Jesus? (ii) Does he/she love to obey God’s word? (iii) Does he/she love the things of God like reading the Bible, attending fellowship and praying or the things of this world such as movies, dancing, fashion, worldly games and attending parties? (iv) Does he/she love to talk about the sports stars and musicians of the world instead of preaching the gospel? (v) Is he/she lazy or hardworking and strives to be excellent? Your friends must be children who have the fear of God and have the same goal with you; which is, the goal of pleasing God and making it to heaven at last.
      There are examples of bad friendship in the Bible, some of them are: (a) Samson and Delilah (b) Solomon and ungodly women (c) Dinah and Shechem. Their ungodly relationship made them to turn away from God. Who is your friend? “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” (1 Corinthians 15:33).
1.   A friend is ________________________________________________________________________
2.   Jesus wants you to separate from bad friends. Yes/No?
3.   Mention four things that you must consider before choosing a friend.
4.   Who should you make friends with?
5.   Who is your friend?
MEMORY VERSE:Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14).


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