Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Matthew 16:24-27; Hebrews 12:1-4; Philippians 2:5-11; Revelation 2:10

In most sporting events, the trophy to be won is often placed on the high table where all the contestants and spectators can see it. The sight of the trophy is meant to encourage the competitors to put in their best in order to win the trophy. The Christian is in a race and the goal of that race is to get to heaven where crowns are waiting to be possessed. On the journey however, there is always a cross to bear. Just like the athlete who is expected to scale some hurdles in order to win a prize, the Christian must constantly bear his cross to win the crown. The cross is a piece of wood on which Christ was crucified. It is a symbol of suffering and shame.
The good news is that, our greatest example and Master bore His own cross, we must also strive to bear our cross. The message is divided into three parts.

1.   THE WAY OF THE CROSS: Hebrews 12:1-2.
A wicked King decided that he would execute (kill) 40 Christians who refused to deny Christ. As the execution was going on, the spiritual eye of one of the soldiers was opened. He saw that as the Christians were being killed one after the other, an angel was standing by putting crowns on their heads. When it was the turn of the last Christian to be killed, he became fearful and denied Christ. The soldier whose eyes was opened to see the glorious entry into heaven of the executed Christians, quickly offered to take the place of the fearful Christian. This soldier was killed and he received the last crown and was translated into heaven. There is a common saying thus: “No cross, No crown”. This means that the way to receive the crown is through enduring the cross.
Jesus surrendered to die on the cross to show us an example that anyone who follows Him must suffer (2 Timothy 3:12). The cross that believers bear differs from person to person. The cross therefore can be in form of:- Persecution directly from Satan, unsaved family members, and former sinful friends; Death of a loved one.; Ridicule from the children of Satan; Denial of legitimate right; Delay in receiving answer to prayers; Unexplained and unpleasant situation; Unjust suffering, ill-treatment and hatred; temptations, trials of faith, among many others.
Jesus bore His cross to win the crown, we also can successfully bear our cross with Him and win the crown.
2. BEARING THE CROSS: Matthew 16:24-27; Philippians 1:27-30; 2:5-8;
Revelation 2:10.
Jesus Christ laid aside His heavenly glory, position and power to die on the cross. He suffered a lot of things for our sake. Apostle Paul was a Christian committed to bearing his cross because he knew that his crown awaited him at the end (2 Timothy 4:8). He was stoned, beaten, suffered shipwreck, hated by his countrymen yet he endured it all.
There are certain Christian characteristics essential for bearing the cross, they include:- Christlike submission and total surrenderdness: Jesus our Master is our perfect example. He totally surrendered to the will of the Father to suffer the shame and agony of the death on the cross Luke 22:42; John 4:34.
Endurance – Endure persecution and shame. Do not fight back but rather pray like Stephen who said “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge” (Acts 7:60b).
Patience – Be patient like Job because your redeemer liveth (Job 19:25).
Humility – Be humble like Christ who was led like a Sheep to the slaughter yet opened not His mouth (Isaiah 53:7).
Prayerfulness – Always praying and singing praises like Paul and Silas. And their praises brought an earthquake that shook the foundation of the prison (Acts 16:25-26).
Joy – Rejoice like the Apostles who were happy to be counted worthy to suffer for Christ’ sake (Acts 5:41).
Remember that the Christian race is about cross bearing. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (Mathew 16:24). As the saints before us were able to endure, we shall also endure to the end.  Looking unto Jesus who is the source of strength, grace, and help in time of need.
3. WINNING THE CROWN: 2 Timothy 4:6-8; James 1:12.
There are enough crowns in heaven for every believer who will successfully bear his cross till the end. Do not allow another person to take your crown. It is only those that shall endure till the end that shall be saved and wear their golden crowns. Pray for grace to be qualified to receive yours. If you are not yet born again, there is no crown for you. Take a step of faith now. Repent of your sins and ask God for forgiveness and cleansing of your sins. The blood of Jesus will save and keep you till the end.

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