Monday, April 13, 2015


John 10:10; Revelation 21:7

There is a common chorus: which goes thus: Abundant Life (3x) Jesus gave to me.

Abundant life is a gracious and glorious life which Jesus gives. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”. (John 10:10).
Yes, Jesus came to give us abundant life here on earth, and when we get to heaven there is abundant life for all true friends of Jesus. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for all His friends, and He is coming to take us to His Father’s home in Heaven (John 14:1-3). It is a place of everlasting abundance for all friends of Jesus.  We shall consider this seminar under three sub-headings.
1. MEANING OF ABUNDANT LIFE: John 10:10. Abundance is something that is in plentiful supply. Think of the air we breath, the sun, the rain, sand, trees, animals, water, all these are creations of God who abundantly supply all that we need.
Abundant life is an overcoming life that inherits all good things from God (Revelation 21:7). It is a life full of God’s unfailing promises. It is a life free from sin, sickness and Satan. It is a life full of all good things that God provides. Jesus Christ gives abundant life. He is the Good Shepherd, He forgives, makes holy, heals and delivers. He also gives good life and provides good things for those who believe in Him. (Ephesians 1:3; 2Peter1:3, 4). Jesus wants you to come to Him today and enjoy the abundant life He gives (Matthew 11:28).
 The first step to receiving the abundant life that Jesus gives is to realize that you are a sinner, ask God to forgive you, invite Jesus into your heart and accept Him to be your personal Saviour and Lord.
2. HOLINESS: THE KEY TO GOD’S BLESSINGS: Ephesians 5:25-27; 1John 3:1-3; Hebrews 12:14.
Holiness means to be totally, free from sin and set apart for God. It also means to be and have a clean heart and life that is bearing the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Holiness is God’s great desire for His children. It is the key to all things that you need from Christ. It is very important that when a child becomes a friend of Jesus, he must press forward for the holiness experience. If you are saved this is the time to take these steps to be sanctified. (a) Have strong desire for the experience, like a person who is very thirsty (b) Pray in faith to receive (d) Wait patiently until you are sanctified. Sanctification will remove all the root of sin from your heart. You will be free from outward and inward sin. You will become holy and perfect like Jesus.
Holiness of life is the key to abundant life. All that you need is in Christ Jesus. Purity of life provides easy access to all the blessings that God has in His Kingdom. Are you holy! Do not delay, you can be sanctified and be holy like Christ “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”
(Hebrews 12:14)
3. ALL ROUND BLESSINGS FOR GOD’S CHILDREN: John1:12; 10:10b; Psalm 84:11; 3 John 2.
Are you a child of God? Are you holy and righteous? If you are, then you are in for all round blessings today. There are enough blessings in the storehouse of God to go round everyone that believes. The blessings of God maketh rich and added no sorrow. It is complete blessing to carry you through all your life.
What is your need? God has made provision for you. Protection, preservation, promotion, provision, perfect health, and eternity with Jesus in heaven.

Rise up now and claim your blessings. Pray, seek the Lord and live in holiness of life, then the windows of heaven will open unto you now.

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