Monday, April 13, 2015


Joshua 24:15; Matthew 6:33

A group of young Christians went to preach the gospel to some idol worshipers in a village. It was the custom of the people in the village for strangers to bow down before their idols to show that they were not enemies of the villagers. Therefore when these young Christians got to the village, they were asked to first bow down to the village idols. The Christians refused and were taken to the king’s palace where the priest of the idols was to cut off their heads. The Christians then requested to that the villagers should allow them to talk to the God that sent them before they would be killed. Their request was granted. Immediately, the Christians formed a circle and started praying to God. Suddenly, the cutlass in the hand of the priest of the idols fell down and all the idol worshipers started crying and asking God for forgiveness. This was how they all surrender their lives to Jesus and a church was established in that village. The young Christians chose to serve God rather than the village idols. Praise God! In our Bible passage, Joshua, the man of God choses to serve God with his family. What about you? Whom do you choose to serve?

1. HOW TO CHOOSE GOD: Ecclesiastics 12:1; John 3:3.
God wants you to make up your mind today and choose to serve Him (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Are you a child of God already? Jesus wants you to continue to serve and follow Him. But if you are not yet a friend of Jesus you must choose to serve God today by (a)Realize you are a sinner (b) Confess your sins to God (c) Tell Him you are sorry (d) Promise never to do those bad things again (e) Invite Jesus Christ into your heart and life to be your Saviour and Lord. Then continue to follow Jesus by reading the Bible, praying every day, attend fellowship regularly and be always obedient to God and His word.

2. BLESSINGS OF CHOOSING GOD: Matthew 6:33; Psalm 23:6.
The blessings of God will follow you when you choose to serve Him in Matthew 6:33; Psalm 23:6, God has promised to bless the children who have chosen to follow Him. Some of these blessings are: God’s goodness and mercy, protection, healing, provision, good success, answers to prayers, and eternity in heaven. Who will you serve? Choose God and to blessed.

1. What did the young Christians in our story choose to do?
2. Joshua and his family choose to serve God. Yes/No.
3. What must a sinful child do to serve God?
4. Mention the blessings that you will receive when you choose to serve God.

ACTIVITY: The children should be led to pray and give their lives to Christ. Then sing. “I have decided to follow Jesus”.

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