Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Genesis 17:1-27; 18:17-22.
    Many people want to be the friend of a king. To be the friend of a king in this world is a very small thing compared to being a friend of God the King of the whole heaven and earth. The Almighty God is the King of kings. What the kings of this world cannot give or do for you, the King of heaven will definitely do for you! Abraham did not want to be a friend of the kings of this world. He wanted to be a friend of the King of kings. So, he willingly obeyed God and trusted Him even when he was still living among his relatives who were idol worshippers.
     We shall divide our topic into three parts:

1. THE OBEDIENCE OF ABRAHAM: Genesis 12:1; Hebrews 11:8-12.
     The relatives of Abraham and the people of his country were idol worshippers.  God therefore, told Abraham to leave his country and his father’s house. God had a good plan for Abraham. Whenever God is calls you, He wants to do something good in your life. Abraham obeyed God and left his father’s house even when he did not know where God wanted him to go. Because Abraham obeyed God, God promised to bless him abundantly (Genesis 13:14-17).
     Today, God has sent Jesus His Son to call all sinful boys and girls to Himself (Matthew 11:28). Will you obey God as Abraham did?

2.  ABRAHAM BECOMES A FRIEND OF GOD: Genesis 17:1, 2; Hebrews 11:8-12,17-19.
     A friend is somebody that is very close to you. Someone you can trust, love and always want to be in fellowship with. After Abraham had obeyed God and left his father’s house, he did not just stop there; he continued to obey God and trust Him. God always spoke to Abraham and he was free to ask God whatever he wanted (Genesis 15:1,2). When you too begin to obey God by surrendering your heart to Him, you must not stop there, you must continue to obey God and trust Him. Then, God will speak to you and direct you in the right way to go (Isaiah 30:21). You will be free to ask God whatever your heart desires (Matthew 7:7). The friendship between God and Abraham continued to grow stronger. God fulfilled all His promises to Abraham. Sarah his wife who did not have a child gave birth to Isaac (Genesis 21:1). God gave Abraham long life and blessed him abundantly (Genesis 24:1).

     The desire of God for every child is that they must be saved. You cannot walk with God like Abraham did except you become a true friend of Jesus. How can you become a friend of the Saviour? You have to prayerfully take the following steps.
1.  Realise that you are a sinner and confess all your sins to God.
2.  Repent and forsake your sins.
3.  Ask Jesus to forgive you and wash your heart clean with His blood.
4.  Invite Him into your life to be your Lord, Saviour and Friend.
5.  Believe that it is done.
     This means that you have now become born again. This is called salvation and it is the first step of obedience to God. Like Abraham, as you continue to trust and obey God, He will shower His blessings upon you and give you long life.

1.  How did Abraham become a friend of God?
2.  Mention two promises that God made to Abraham.
3.  How can a sinful child become a friend of Jesus?
4.  What are the blessings of becoming a friend of Jesus?

MEMORY VERSE:And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.” (James 2:23).

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