Monday, April 13, 2015


Psalm 89:1; Exodus 15:1-12.

And I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts, and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands. Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour and glory, and blessing” (Revelation 5:11, 12).
     The above Bible passage gives us a picture of the importance of praise. God wants us to praise Him at all times. Even the trees, the grasses, the fishes in the sea/rivers and all living things have their ways of praising God. Moses and all the children of Israel praised God for His great salvation and deliverance from the hand of Pharaoh and his host.
     As God’s creatures and people who have enjoyed His salvation, we ought to praise God more than other living things. The study on songs of praise is divided into three parts:
1.  REASONS FOR PRAISING GOD: Psalm 103:1-22.
     Many children do not have the habit of praising God. Even when they join others to sing, they do not understand why they are singing. Some of the reasons for singing praises to God are: (a) God commands us to praise Him. When we praise God, we are glorifying Him (Psalm 150:1-6). (b) We praise God because He is God and He is worthy of our praises. (c) Also we praise God because that is the reason why we were created and saved (I Peter 2:9). (d) We praise God to show gratitude for all He has done for us and to show our love for Him (Psalm 103:1-2). (e) Praising God put the enemies to shame and give us uncommon victory (II Chronicles 20:2). (f) Praising God will lift up our spirit and give us more strength to continue to serve Him.
2.  HOW TO PRAISE GOD: Psalm 33:2; 150:3-5.
     There are many places where people gather together in the name of worshipping God. When you see or hear what they do, you will know that they are not worshipping God in truth and in spirit. They beat drums, make a lot of noise, sing and dance in the flesh not in the Spirit. They are worldly in their music and in their ways of singing and praising God. They praise God with their lips but their hearts are far away from God.
     For a Christian to praise God in an acceptable way, he must do so according to the word of God and with a holy heart that is free from every form of sin. God sees our hearts and knows when we are doing the right thing. With a holy and grateful heart we can praise God in the following ways:
i.   Singing songs and choruses of praise.
ii.  Joyfully clapping our hands to praise the Lord.
iii. Playing of musical instruments like organ, violin, flute and recorder etc.
iv.  Meditating on God’s promises and the great things He has done.
v.  Prayer of thanksgiving.
vi.  Sharing your testimonies of salvation, healing, and deliverance with other children.
3.  BENEFITS OF PRAISING GOD: II Chronicles 5:13-14.
     When we praise God with respect and holiness of heart, He will show His glory in our lives. God will give us victory over temptation and battles of life. He will answer our prayers and do uncommon miracles in our lives. As you praise God for all that He has done for you, He will be moved to do more for you. Through praise, the walls of Jericho fell down flat, Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel conquered their enemies. Paul and Silas praised God when they were in prison and there was a great earthquake and their prison doors were opened.  Praises brings healing and health to our spirit, soul and body “Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely” (Psalm 147:1). Rise up and let us praise the Lord.
1.  Moses and the children of Israel praised God because _________________________________.
2.  Mention three reasons why we must praise God.
3.  Mention one Bible passage which commands us to sing praises to God.
4.  Mention four ways of praising God.
5.  What are the benefits of praising God?
MEMORY VERSE:And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great” (Revelation 19:5).


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