Monday, April 13, 2015


Psalm 89:1; Exodus 15:1-12.

And I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts, and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands. Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour and glory, and blessing” (Revelation 5:11, 12).
     The above Bible passage gives us a picture of the importance of praise. God wants us to praise Him at all times. Even the trees, the grasses, the fishes in the sea/rivers and all living things have their ways of praising God. Moses and all the children of Israel praised God for His great salvation and deliverance from the hand of Pharaoh and his host.
     As God’s creatures and people who have enjoyed His salvation, we ought to praise God more than other living things. The study on songs of praise is divided into three parts:
1.  REASONS FOR PRAISING GOD: Psalm 103:1-22.
     Many children do not have the habit of praising God. Even when they join others to sing, they do not understand why they are singing. Some of the reasons for singing praises to God are: (a) God commands us to praise Him. When we praise God, we are glorifying Him (Psalm 150:1-6). (b) We praise God because He is God and He is worthy of our praises. (c) Also we praise God because that is the reason why we were created and saved (I Peter 2:9). (d) We praise God to show gratitude for all He has done for us and to show our love for Him (Psalm 103:1-2). (e) Praising God put the enemies to shame and give us uncommon victory (II Chronicles 20:2). (f) Praising God will lift up our spirit and give us more strength to continue to serve Him.
2.  HOW TO PRAISE GOD: Psalm 33:2; 150:3-5.
     There are many places where people gather together in the name of worshipping God. When you see or hear what they do, you will know that they are not worshipping God in truth and in spirit. They beat drums, make a lot of noise, sing and dance in the flesh not in the Spirit. They are worldly in their music and in their ways of singing and praising God. They praise God with their lips but their hearts are far away from God.
     For a Christian to praise God in an acceptable way, he must do so according to the word of God and with a holy heart that is free from every form of sin. God sees our hearts and knows when we are doing the right thing. With a holy and grateful heart we can praise God in the following ways:
i.   Singing songs and choruses of praise.
ii.  Joyfully clapping our hands to praise the Lord.
iii. Playing of musical instruments like organ, violin, flute and recorder etc.
iv.  Meditating on God’s promises and the great things He has done.
v.  Prayer of thanksgiving.
vi.  Sharing your testimonies of salvation, healing, and deliverance with other children.
3.  BENEFITS OF PRAISING GOD: II Chronicles 5:13-14.
     When we praise God with respect and holiness of heart, He will show His glory in our lives. God will give us victory over temptation and battles of life. He will answer our prayers and do uncommon miracles in our lives. As you praise God for all that He has done for you, He will be moved to do more for you. Through praise, the walls of Jericho fell down flat, Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel conquered their enemies. Paul and Silas praised God when they were in prison and there was a great earthquake and their prison doors were opened.  Praises brings healing and health to our spirit, soul and body “Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely” (Psalm 147:1). Rise up and let us praise the Lord.
1.  Moses and the children of Israel praised God because _________________________________.
2.  Mention three reasons why we must praise God.
3.  Mention one Bible passage which commands us to sing praises to God.
4.  Mention four ways of praising God.
5.  What are the benefits of praising God?
MEMORY VERSE:And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great” (Revelation 19:5).



Joshua 24:15; Matthew 6:33

A group of young Christians went to preach the gospel to some idol worshipers in a village. It was the custom of the people in the village for strangers to bow down before their idols to show that they were not enemies of the villagers. Therefore when these young Christians got to the village, they were asked to first bow down to the village idols. The Christians refused and were taken to the king’s palace where the priest of the idols was to cut off their heads. The Christians then requested to that the villagers should allow them to talk to the God that sent them before they would be killed. Their request was granted. Immediately, the Christians formed a circle and started praying to God. Suddenly, the cutlass in the hand of the priest of the idols fell down and all the idol worshipers started crying and asking God for forgiveness. This was how they all surrender their lives to Jesus and a church was established in that village. The young Christians chose to serve God rather than the village idols. Praise God! In our Bible passage, Joshua, the man of God choses to serve God with his family. What about you? Whom do you choose to serve?

1. HOW TO CHOOSE GOD: Ecclesiastics 12:1; John 3:3.
God wants you to make up your mind today and choose to serve Him (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Are you a child of God already? Jesus wants you to continue to serve and follow Him. But if you are not yet a friend of Jesus you must choose to serve God today by (a)Realize you are a sinner (b) Confess your sins to God (c) Tell Him you are sorry (d) Promise never to do those bad things again (e) Invite Jesus Christ into your heart and life to be your Saviour and Lord. Then continue to follow Jesus by reading the Bible, praying every day, attend fellowship regularly and be always obedient to God and His word.

2. BLESSINGS OF CHOOSING GOD: Matthew 6:33; Psalm 23:6.
The blessings of God will follow you when you choose to serve Him in Matthew 6:33; Psalm 23:6, God has promised to bless the children who have chosen to follow Him. Some of these blessings are: God’s goodness and mercy, protection, healing, provision, good success, answers to prayers, and eternity in heaven. Who will you serve? Choose God and to blessed.

1. What did the young Christians in our story choose to do?
2. Joshua and his family choose to serve God. Yes/No.
3. What must a sinful child do to serve God?
4. Mention the blessings that you will receive when you choose to serve God.

ACTIVITY: The children should be led to pray and give their lives to Christ. Then sing. “I have decided to follow Jesus”.


Amos 3:3

Friendship is a close relationship between two or more persons. There is love and trust among persons who are friends. However, there is a type of friendship that is evil. Such friends are also attached to one another to do evil. It then means that there are two types of friendship good friends and bad friends. The topic is in three parts.
1. EXAMPLES OF GOOD FRIENDS: Amos 3:3; Acts 3:2-7; 12:12-14.
There are some people in the Bible who are good examples for us to follow. These were friends of Jesus who worked together with their Master Jesus Christ thou had the same mind to do what God commanded them. They maintained their relationship with Jesus and remained friends of Jesus till the end. Some of them are: Peter and John at the “Beautiful Gate” (Acts 3:2-7) Rhoda and some other friends of Jesus who prayed together for Peter when he was in prison (Acts 12:12-14). Jesus and John sons of Zebedee; Stephen and Philip the Evangelist; Paul and Timothy and others friends of Jesus. These were all friends of Jesus. They studied the word of God, worked together and prayed together. They encouraged one another in the Lord. They encouraged the persecuted brethren to continue with the Lord. They also preached the gospel to sinners and God blessed them mightily. Can you claim to belong to a group like these? Who is your friend?
2. EXAMPLES OF BAD FRIENDS: 1Kings 12:10, 11.
In the Bible, there were also people who had bad friends and God was angry with them. Some of them were (a) Rehoboam – He obeyed his friend’s bad advice and missed God’s blessings (1 Kings 12:10-11) (b) King Jehoshaphat had a bad friend called King Ahab (2Chronicles 18:1, 9, 31). (c) Demas and the people of the world (2 Timothy 4:10).
(2 Timothy 4:10). If you do not want God’s anger to come upon you; separate yourself from your unbelieving friend, who makes jest of you because you are a friend of Jesus, abuses his mother, runs away from house-work, steals money and invites you to worldly film shows and parties. You have to obey this advice because “evil communication corrupts good manners” (1Corinthians 15:33). If you are not yet a friend of Jesus, you cannot be a good friend to others. Turn away from your sins today. Ask God to forgive you and cleanse your heart with the blood of Jesus. Invite Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Saviour. Promise God that you will not go back to sin.
3. WHO IS YOUR FRIEND? Amos 3:3.
There is a saying that goes thus, “show me your friend and I will tell you whom you are”. Who is your friend? (i)For you to have a good friend, (ii) First become a friend of Jesus and receive His permanent friends; keep away from bad children and from their evil practices. (iii)Attend fellowship regularly with your friend. (iv)Study and obey the word of God together with your friends; and serve God faithfully. As a friend of Jesus, God will strengthen you spiritually and you will have power over all the powers of darkness. God will use you to bring sinners to Him. And at last, you will wear crowns of righteousness in heaven.
1. There are two types of friendship. State them.
2. Mention two good friends in the Bible and say what they did.
3. Mention two bad friends in the Bible and say what they did.
4. What will you and your friend do to make Jesus happy?
5. How can you maintain good friendship?
ACTIVITY: The teacher should lead the children to sing, “The best Friend to have is Jesus…..”Followed by an altar call.


John 10:10; Revelation 21:7

There is a common chorus: which goes thus: Abundant Life (3x) Jesus gave to me.

Abundant life is a gracious and glorious life which Jesus gives. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”. (John 10:10).
Yes, Jesus came to give us abundant life here on earth, and when we get to heaven there is abundant life for all true friends of Jesus. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for all His friends, and He is coming to take us to His Father’s home in Heaven (John 14:1-3). It is a place of everlasting abundance for all friends of Jesus.  We shall consider this seminar under three sub-headings.
1. MEANING OF ABUNDANT LIFE: John 10:10. Abundance is something that is in plentiful supply. Think of the air we breath, the sun, the rain, sand, trees, animals, water, all these are creations of God who abundantly supply all that we need.
Abundant life is an overcoming life that inherits all good things from God (Revelation 21:7). It is a life full of God’s unfailing promises. It is a life free from sin, sickness and Satan. It is a life full of all good things that God provides. Jesus Christ gives abundant life. He is the Good Shepherd, He forgives, makes holy, heals and delivers. He also gives good life and provides good things for those who believe in Him. (Ephesians 1:3; 2Peter1:3, 4). Jesus wants you to come to Him today and enjoy the abundant life He gives (Matthew 11:28).
 The first step to receiving the abundant life that Jesus gives is to realize that you are a sinner, ask God to forgive you, invite Jesus into your heart and accept Him to be your personal Saviour and Lord.
2. HOLINESS: THE KEY TO GOD’S BLESSINGS: Ephesians 5:25-27; 1John 3:1-3; Hebrews 12:14.
Holiness means to be totally, free from sin and set apart for God. It also means to be and have a clean heart and life that is bearing the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Holiness is God’s great desire for His children. It is the key to all things that you need from Christ. It is very important that when a child becomes a friend of Jesus, he must press forward for the holiness experience. If you are saved this is the time to take these steps to be sanctified. (a) Have strong desire for the experience, like a person who is very thirsty (b) Pray in faith to receive (d) Wait patiently until you are sanctified. Sanctification will remove all the root of sin from your heart. You will be free from outward and inward sin. You will become holy and perfect like Jesus.
Holiness of life is the key to abundant life. All that you need is in Christ Jesus. Purity of life provides easy access to all the blessings that God has in His Kingdom. Are you holy! Do not delay, you can be sanctified and be holy like Christ “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”
(Hebrews 12:14)
3. ALL ROUND BLESSINGS FOR GOD’S CHILDREN: John1:12; 10:10b; Psalm 84:11; 3 John 2.
Are you a child of God? Are you holy and righteous? If you are, then you are in for all round blessings today. There are enough blessings in the storehouse of God to go round everyone that believes. The blessings of God maketh rich and added no sorrow. It is complete blessing to carry you through all your life.
What is your need? God has made provision for you. Protection, preservation, promotion, provision, perfect health, and eternity with Jesus in heaven.

Rise up now and claim your blessings. Pray, seek the Lord and live in holiness of life, then the windows of heaven will open unto you now.


1 Peter 2:21-25; John 14:6-15

Jesus is God because in the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God. He is the Creator of all things, for without Him was not anything made that was made (John 1:1-3). Jesus is the Saviour of the world. And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shall call His name JESUS; for He shall save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).
Jesus is everything to us and He is all in all. All that you need is in Jesus, He satisfies, Joy He provides and life will be worthless without Him. Do you know Jesus? Are you walking side by side with Him? He desires to have you become His Friend and to walk with Him all the way. To walk with Jesus demands taking one step after another. We have three point to examine in this seminar.
1. SALVATION THROUGH CHRIST: Matthew 1:21; Hebrews 9:11-14; Acts 4:12.
The greatest need of every boy and girl is salvation from sin and deliverance from the judgment of God. This need could be met by no one other than the person of Jesus Christ. Sin is the greatest enemy of the human race, destroying one’s soul and life. Through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, sinners who come to Him are set free from the guilt and slavery of sin. To be saved therefore, the sinner must realize his sinful state, repent and ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus. He must turn from all sin and ask Jesus to be his Saviour and Friend.
This is the first step to walking with Jesus and enjoying the good life He gives us. Jesus has come to give life and to give it more abundantly (John 10:10). After this, the saved child must press forward and pray to be sanctified and to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. From this step the child is now equipped to move on to the next step.
1 John 2:15-17.
Walking step by step with Christ entails total separation from the world and it’s attractions. We cannot serve God and Mammon. Mammon refers to the things of this world including money, worldly dressings, games, festival, life of ease, love of food and money, careless lifestyles and others.
Separation from these worldly things may cause you to suffer or be persecuted. You must rejoice because Christ also suffered. When you give your life to Jesus, you are to separate yourself from bad friends and things that can take you back to “Egypt”. You must run away from every appearance of evil. Cleave to the Saviour as you daily read the word of God, think on it’s message, act upon it, let it’s instructions become your lifestyle. You must also be very prayerful and always live a holy life.
3. SERVING THE SAVIOUR TO THE END: Romans 12:11-18; Colossians 3:23, 24.
The Christian child is saved to serve. The reason for our being alive is to serve God and live for His Glory. In this New Year, what decision have you made? If your goal is just to serve self, you cannot walk step by step with the Saviour. The call of the Master to all His friends is to engage in the work of seeking and saving the lost sinners. Serving the Saviour involves (i) Sharing the love of Jesus with sinners. (ii) Showing love to the brethren (iii) Hating evil and doing what is good (iv) Sharing what you have with those who are in need and hungry (v) Teaching and establishing new converts in the knowledge of the word of God (vi) Fellowshipping with other Christians (vii) Being watchful and prayerful in readiness for the coming of the Saviour (vii) Daily reading and obeying the word of God (viii) Living a life that glorifies God in thoughts and actions.

As you faithfully serve the Lord, many blessings will come into your life and you will be ready to go to heaven with Jesus when He comes.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Mark 16:15-20; Matthew 28:18-20

Sin and evil is increasing in this last days and God is not happy at all. There is wickedness and disobedience to God’s word. The coming of the Lord is very near and many boys and girls are lost in this sinful world. Many have died in sin, and gone into everlasting punishment in hell fire. In obedience to the great command of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, true friends of Jesus must arise and go out everywhere to rescue the sinful boys and girls from perishing. Jesus wants us to go and preach the gospel to every creature. We shall consider three points in this message.
1. COMMAND TO PREACH THE GOSPEL John 3:3, 14-18; Mark 16:15-20; John 15:16.
Jesus Christ is our Saviour, Master and Friend. He came to this world from heaven for the major work of saving and setting us free from sin. He saves people and calls them to be His friend so that they can also go and do the work of bringing others to Him. The Gospel is the good news of salvation through Jesus. The message of the gospel of Christ is about the Kingdom of God and repentance (Mark 1:14-15). We are to tell sinful boys and girls that God loves them but hates their sins. God does not want any sinner to perish, so He commands all to repent because He has appointed a day whereby He will judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:30-31). This is the message you must preach everywhere so that sinners will repent and be saved.
As true friends of Jesus, we must obey the Master’s Command which says: “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). We must move out everywhere, where sinners can be found; in our community, streets, schools, cities, country side and villages. It is not the will of God that any sinner should die in his or her sin. God is happy when we obey Him by preaching the gospel, and sinners turn away from their sinful and wicked ways.
The early church obeyed the Master and went forth preaching everywhere (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 8:4). Therefore, friends of Jesus today must obey the command of Jesus to go and preach the gospel without giving excuses. The work is urgent! The time is short, the workers are few, sinners are suffering and many are dying and perishing. Jesus may come at any time and sinners who are not saved will go to hell. Therefore, we must obey and go now without delay!
You must have accepted Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord before you can make Jesus known to others. You cannot give what you do not have. A sinful child cannot be a preacher of the gospel. Jesus does not send disobedient and stubborn children to preach the gospel. But He sends only those who have obeyed His call to “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Have you obeyed the call of Jesus to be saved? Are you washed by the blood of Jesus? Have you surrendered your heart to Jesus? If not, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to be saved, seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6-7).
2. HOW TO PREACH THE GOSPEL Mark 16:15-20; Acts 8:4, 26-35.
Immediately you become born again, Jesus wants you to reach out to others and tell them about the love of God for them.  When you have come to Jesus, you must also go for Jesus. “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Will you obey the master? There are many ways of bringing sinners to believe the gospel and accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Some of the methods are: 
(i) Person to person- personal contact, face to face, one to one preaching of the gospel to the sinner (John 3:1-3). (ii) Literature-sharing, tracts, gospel books, tender life magazine. 
(iii) Inviting people to retreat, crusade and church service.
 (iv) Letter writing, telephone and GSM text messages 
(v) film show 
(vi) musical concerts
 (vii) Bible Club. Whichever method we choose to use must be backed up by serious and fervent prayers.
Jesus only is our message. You are to preach the Gospel by lifting up Jesus. What are you to preach as you go out? Tell the sinners that 
(i) Jesus loves them and died for their sins (John 3:16). 
(ii) God hates the life of sin and disobedience to His word. (Genesis 6:5-7). 
(iv) God will soon bring judgment upon the whole world and those who refuse to repent will perish (Acts 17:30-31). 
(v) Anybody who repents will be saved. But those who continue in their wicked ways will be punished by God (Mark 16:16; Isaiah 55:6-7).
(vi) Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. There is no other way (Acts 4:12). 
(vii) They must also turn away from all their sins and give their hearts to Jesus now so that they can be saved (Romans 10:9-11). 
(viii) Pray with those who give their lives to Jesus and encourage them to continue to love the Lord by reading the Bible, praying every day, obeying the word of God and attending fellowship regularly.

3. RESULTS OF PREACHING THE GOSPEL Deuteronomy 28:1-3; Isaiah 1:19; Matthew 10:32.
Many good things will happen when we preach the Gospel and win sinners to Jesus:  
(a) Heaven will rejoice (Luke 15 10) 
(b) Your prayers will be answered (c) The church will grow 
(d) Sinners will be saved from hell (James 5:20). 
(e) Jesus will be happy with you. Are you a friend of Jesus? Are you telling others about Jesus? Go now and tell others about Jesus’ love for them. God has many rewards for those who obey Him and preach the gospel to others. They will: 
(i) Shine like stars forever. 
(ii) Have God’s favour upon them. 
(iii)Have answers to their prayers. 
(iv) Enjoy special protection from the Lord.
(v) Live with Jesus forever. 
(vi) Be filled with joy for obeying God. And there will be stars on their crown when they get to heaven. You must make up your mind to preach the gospel as a friend of Jesus. Many children are waiting to give their lives to Jesus. Go now and preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


1 Corinthians 10:13; 1 John 4:4; 5:4, 5; James 1:12; Revelation 3:5

To overcome means to fight and win against someone or something. To friends of Jesus, it means to win in the battles of life. It also means to defeat the devil in all his ways to distract us from doing the will of God and getting to heaven at last. Temptations are suggestions to sin against God, they are the devil’s tricks to make us to disobey God.  Satan is the tempter. He has lost the right of living with God in heaven forever. He rebelled against God and was cast out from heaven where he lived as one of the angels. He is therefore very jealous of us because we have the hope of living forever with God in heaven. He goes about on earth to destroy as many as he can so that they will miss heaven and follow him to hell. Jesus Christ came to the world and conquered the devil. Through His death and sacrifice on the cross, He gives power to overcome Satan to all who believe in Him. No one can escape the temptation and trials of this life, but you can overcome if you believe.  We shall consider the message under three sub-topics:
1. THE TEMPTER AND HIS TRICKS: Genesis 3:1- 16; 25:29-34; 39:7-12;
Luke 22:31-32.
Satan the devil started his evil work of temptation from the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  He is the greatest enemy of the children of God. He has many agents and messengers whom he uses to bring temptation in order to discourage, weaken and pull down friends of Jesus. Jesus revealed to us that Satan is a bad person, when he said to Peter …“Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you that be may sift you as wheat.” Jesus Christ also described him as a thief who always comes to steal, kill and destroy. He aims at taking the grace of God out of the life of the believer.
In these last days, Satan uses many things to tempt and lure many boys and girls. These include: movies, cartoons, electronic games, sports, worldly music, immorality, evil association, poverty and persecution.
Jesus has prayed for you to overcome and you must overcome.
2. DETERMINATION AND FAITH OF THE OVERCOMERS: Daniel 1:8; Hebrews 11:24-27; 12:1, 2; James 1:12; 1John 5:4, 5.   
Many boys and girls in the Bible overcame temptations and trials of life by faith. They are now living with God in heaven. Faith makes us to forsake sin and helps us to hold on to the word when the pain or pressure of temptation is greatest:  (a) Joseph overcame the temptation to sin with Potiphar’s wife because of his faith in God (Genesis 39:8,9).
(b) Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He rejected the idol and corruption in Egypt and chose to remain with the people of God. (Hebrews 11:25-26).
(c) Esther; She was obedient to her uncle Mordecai and kept herself holy. She was later used by God to deliver His people. (Esther 4:16. 7:3-7). (d) Daniel and his friends overcame the wickedness and temptations in Babylon because of their faith and obedience to God. (Daniel 1:8; 3:16,17). (e) Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ, overcame immorality and uncleanness in her days and remained a virgin. She later became the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:23).


(f) Timothy turned away from sin and accepted Jesus as his Saviour when he was a child and grew to be a great pastor who preached the love of Jesus to others (2 Timothy 1:5; 4:2). To overcome every temptation and get to heaven to receive the final reward, you must be a friend of Jesus and continue to live daily in obedience to the word of God. You must also: (i) Read, listen to and think on God’s word every day. (ii) Pray always and have faith in God. (iii) Live daily by God’s word and trust Him. (iv) Keep away from evil friends and the ways of this world (I Corinthians 15:33). (v) Follow peace, speak the truth and be holy at all times. (vi) Daily expect the coming of Jesus and tell others about the good news of His love and salvation.

3. BLESSINGS FOR THE OVERCOMERS: Psalm119:1-3; 1Corithians 2:9;
Revelation 3:5; 21:7.
There are lots of blessings both on earth and in heaven for friends of Jesus who will overcome every temptation and endure till the end. They shall enjoy God’s abundance of peace, purity, Holy Ghost power, protection, preservation and prosperity (Psalm 84:11-12). Also when we get to heaven at last, God will give them (i) a new name (Revelation 2:17), (ii) authority and power over nations (Revelation2:26), (iii) robes of righteousness (Revelation 3:5); (iv) Crowns with many stars (2 Timothy 4:8; James 1:12), (v) and they shall live in beautiful mansions in heaven and reign forever with Jesus
 (John 14:1-3; Revelation 3:21). He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son”. (Revelation 21:7). Rise and pray to be the one that overcomes.


Matthew 7:13, 14

There are different ways that leads to different places here on earth. In the spiritual, there are two ways that leads to two different ends. There are two ways laid out before everyone according to the word of God. One is the broad way that leads to hell while the other is the narrow way that leads to heaven. Heaven is a place that Christ has gone to prepare for His friends (John 14:1-3). There is only one way that leads to heaven; it is the narrow way, the narrow way of holiness. Jesus has made provision for every child that wants to go through this way. The way does not permit sin. It is the way of the cross that leads home. To walk in this way and get to heaven, a sinner/backslider must repent and forsake his old ways of sin. Choose the narrow way that will take you to heaven where you will live with Jesus Christ forever.
1. THE WIDE GATE AND THE BROAD WAY Matthew 7:13; Proverbs 16:25
The way of sinners is the broad way. It leads to everlasting suffering in hell fire. It has a wide gate that accepts the sinners and their sinful lifestyle. You are on the broad way if you are still lying, stealing, fighting, telling lies, quarrelling, cheating, disobedient, stubborn and covetous. Unfortunately, many people including boys and girls are following this way. They are spiritually blind and do not know that the broad way leads to destruction. Many children have been in the church, hearing the word of God daily, but still decide to remain on the broad way of anger, pride, singing bad songs, sinful relationships, unforgiven spirit, watching bad films, following bad gangs and being disobedient to parents.  Every child who refuses to repent now and turn away from sin will suffer in hell fire for ever; There is no coming out.
2. THE STRAIT GATE AND THE NARROW WAY Matthew 7:14; John 3:16-18; Isaiah 35:8
The narrow way is the way of salvation from sin. It is the way that leads to everlasting life with Jesus in heaven. Jesus is the way to eternal life (John 10: 9, 11).  There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12). From the time that Adam and Eve fell into sin and man lost fellowship with God. God has been calling all men back to the way of eternal life (John 14:6). Regrettably, many people at different period of time have always disregarded God’s call to return to the narrow way that leads to heaven. The strait gate and the narrow way is the way of Holiness. It is not popular, only few people love this way. It cannot accommodate you with your sinful activities. The narrow way leads to everlasting enjoyment, more than what tongues can describe.
If you are a sinner, you must choose the strait gate and narrow way. This is the best choice to make. The narrow way which is the way of salvation and holy living. Those who would walk on the narrow way must live in total obedience to the word of God. The things that will show forth in the life of those that are walking in the narrow way are: (a) Repentance, forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus (b) Holiness of life (c) Constant desire to please God in all things (d) Readiness to endure persecution and suffer for Christ (e) Love for everyone even our enemies (f) Determination to follow Jesus till the end. As Joshua called the people in his time to choose whom they would serve (Joshua 24:15), God is also calling you today to choose Jesus. He is the way to the Father and everlasting life in heaven (John 3:16; 14:6). Which one do you choose, the broad or narrow way?
3. ENTER IN THROUGH THE NARROW WAY Matthew 7:13a; Isaiah 1:18; John 10:9, 14:6
God wants everyone to enter through the narrow way that leads to heaven. He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world. (Acts 17:31).  For you to escape God’s judgment and eternal punishment, you must give your life to Jesus Christ as you do the following: (1) Realize your sinful state (2) Confess and forsake them (3) Ask God to forgive and wash away your sins with the blood of Jesus (4) Invite and receive Jesus into your heart as your Lord, personal Saviour and friend (5) continue to walk in the way of salvation as you fellowship regularly with other saved boys and girls.  Pray every day, read and obey God’s word. 
As you accept Jesus Christ into your life, you will walk daily on the narrow way by: (a) daily reading, thinking on and obeying God’s word. (b) Praying always (c) Telling others about the Saviour, Jesus Christ (d) Attending fellowship regularly (e) Visiting other friends of Jesus.
(f) Pressing forward to be sanctified and (g) be baptised with the Holy Ghost. As you daily walk on the narrow way, you are sure of entering into heaven. Rise up and pray.


Romans 6:1-13; Galatians 2:19, 20

Life and death are two opposite words. When a person is dead, he cannot be alive at the same time. To the people around him, the dead has become lifeless. In the spiritual, when a sinner repents and accepts Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour, he becomes dead to sin and self and alive in Christ.
This is possible because Jesus Christ who is sinless, suffered and died for our sins. In His death, He died to sin’s influence. By His resurrection He overcame the power of death. Likewise, children who have repented of their sin are united with Christ in His death and freed from the power of sin to walk in newness of life.
Have you been set free from sin? Are you alive in Christ? If no, this is another opportunity for you to be set free.
(a)  Realize that you are a sinner who needs the Saviour
(b)  Repent of all your sins and confess them to Jesus
(c)  Pray for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus
(d)  Invite Jesus into your heart to be your Saviour and Friend.
These steps will free you from sin and make you a new creature. The message is in three parts.

1. DEAD TO SIN AND SELF: Romans 6:1-7; 2 Corinthians 5:15-17; Colossians 3:9-10.
To be dead means to cease from existing. When a person dies physically, he cannot move, see, talk, eat, breathe or do the things that he was doing before.
When a child is born again, the ‘self’ and ‘sin’ in him dies. He can no longer engage in the sinful habits of the past. He must daily refuse to allow any part of his body to be alive to sin anymore. This means that his hands are dead to fighting, stealing, and cheating; eyes are dead to watching bad films and the things that adds no value to his life; mouth is dead to evil speaking, gossips, abuse, lies and deceit; legs are dead to running errands for Satan. His whole body is dead to the world and it’s attractions.
The body of sin is completely destroyed. Such a child is dead to self
He is free from selfish attitudes and desire to please self or do his own will.
This is the picture of a life that is crucified with Christ. This is God’s expectation from every saved child. You must be dead to sin and self and live unto Christ.

2. ALIVE UNTO CHRIST: Romans 6:8-11; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:12-17.
Friends of Jesus are said to be in union with Christ in His death and resurrection. Therefore they receive Christ’ power to daily resist sin, and to live a new life of obedience to God. The first sign of the Christian new life is his total turning away from all sins. He will then submit himself for water baptism as a mark of the new life.
Secondly, the child will press on for the sanctification (holiness) experience. He will have strong desire for the experience, pray in faith and wait patiently for God to sanctify him. This step will help the child to (a) have victory over sin, (b) crucify the works of the flesh and present his body as a living sacrifice acceptable to God. (c) Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus (d) manifest the fruit of the spirit as outlined in Galatians 5:22, 23. It is important that you must be alive in Christ as you resist sin and live righteously all the days of your life.


3. ABIDING IN CHRIST: John 15:1-7; 1 John 2:3-6.
To live a victorious Christian life, you must continue to abide in the Saviour. This means the Christian child must continue, abide in and live for Christ. Just as the branch has life only as long as the life of the tree flows into it, so believers have Christ’s life only as long as Christ’ life flows into them.
Practical ways through which we can remain in Christ are:
(i) Reading, meditation on and obeying God’s word every day (ii) Making the word of God the guide for our thoughts and actions, (iii) Praying always in order to constantly draw strength from the Lord (iv) Daily preaching the gospel everywhere, (v) Remain steadfast in His love and loving the brethren (John 15:12, 17) (vi) Resisting Satan’s temptation and yielding to the Spirits guidance (vii) Fellowship regularly with other children of God.
Abiding in Christ results in great blessings such as God’s presence, fullness of joy, fruitfulness in evangelism, answers to prayers. At the end, we shall live and reign with Jesus in His Kingdom. Arise and pray for grace to be totally dead to sin and alive to Christ.
Romans 6:1-13; Galatians 2:19, 20

Life and death are two opposite words. When a person is dead, he cannot be alive at the same time. To the people around him, the dead has become lifeless. In the spiritual, when a sinner repents and accepts Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour, he becomes dead to sin and self and alive in Christ.
This is possible because Jesus Christ who is sinless, suffered and died for our sins. In His death, He died to sin’s influence. By His resurrection He overcame the power of death. Likewise, children who have repented of their sin are united with Christ in His death and freed from the power of sin to walk in newness of life.
Have you been set free from sin? Are you alive in Christ? If no, this is another opportunity for you to be set free.
(a)  Realize that you are a sinner who needs the Saviour
(b)  Repent of all your sins and confess them to Jesus
(c)  Pray for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus
(d)  Invite Jesus into your heart to be your Saviour and Friend.
These steps will free you from sin and make you a new creature. The message is in three parts.

1. DEAD TO SIN AND SELF: Romans 6:1-7; 2 Corinthians 5:15-17; Colossians 3:9-10.
To be dead means to cease from existing. When a person dies physically, he cannot move, see, talk, eat, breathe or do the things that he was doing before.
When a child is born again, the ‘self’ and ‘sin’ in him dies. He can no longer engage in the sinful habits of the past. He must daily refuse to allow any part of his body to be alive to sin anymore. This means that his hands are dead to fighting, stealing, and cheating; eyes are dead to watching bad films and the things that adds no value to his life; mouth is dead to evil speaking, gossips, abuse, lies and deceit; legs are dead to running errands for Satan. His whole body is dead to the world and it’s attractions.
The body of sin is completely destroyed. Such a child is dead to self
He is free from selfish attitudes and desire to please self or do his own will.
This is the picture of a life that is crucified with Christ. This is God’s expectation from every saved child. You must be dead to sin and self and live unto Christ.

2. ALIVE UNTO CHRIST: Romans 6:8-11; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:12-17.
Friends of Jesus are said to be in union with Christ in His death and resurrection. Therefore they receive Christ’ power to daily resist sin, and to live a new life of obedience to God. The first sign of the Christian new life is his total turning away from all sins. He will then submit himself for water baptism as a mark of the new life.
Secondly, the child will press on for the sanctification (holiness) experience. He will have strong desire for the experience, pray in faith and wait patiently for God to sanctify him. This step will help the child to (a) have victory over sin, (b) crucify the works of the flesh and present his body as a living sacrifice acceptable to God. (c) Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus (d) manifest the fruit of the spirit as outlined in Galatians 5:22, 23. It is important that you must be alive in Christ as you resist sin and live righteously all the days of your life.

3. ABIDING IN CHRIST: John 15:1-7; 1 John 2:3-6.
To live a victorious Christian life, you must continue to abide in the Saviour. This means the Christian child must continue, abide in and live for Christ. Just as the branch has life only as long as the life of the tree flows into it, so believers have Christ’s life only as long as Christ’ life flows into them.
Practical ways through which we can remain in Christ are:
(i) Reading, meditation on and obeying God’s word every day (ii) Making the word of God the guide for our thoughts and actions, (iii) Praying always in order to constantly draw strength from the Lord (iv) Daily preaching the gospel everywhere, (v) Remain steadfast in His love and loving the brethren (John 15:12, 17) (vi) Resisting Satan’s temptation and yielding to the Spirits guidance (vii) Fellowship regularly with other children of God.

Abiding in Christ results in great blessings such as God’s presence, fullness of joy, fruitfulness in evangelism, answers to prayers. At the end, we shall live and reign with Jesus in His Kingdom. Arise and pray for grace to be totally dead to sin and alive to Christ.


Matthew 16:24-27; Hebrews 12:1-4; Philippians 2:5-11; Revelation 2:10

In most sporting events, the trophy to be won is often placed on the high table where all the contestants and spectators can see it. The sight of the trophy is meant to encourage the competitors to put in their best in order to win the trophy. The Christian is in a race and the goal of that race is to get to heaven where crowns are waiting to be possessed. On the journey however, there is always a cross to bear. Just like the athlete who is expected to scale some hurdles in order to win a prize, the Christian must constantly bear his cross to win the crown. The cross is a piece of wood on which Christ was crucified. It is a symbol of suffering and shame.
The good news is that, our greatest example and Master bore His own cross, we must also strive to bear our cross. The message is divided into three parts.

1.   THE WAY OF THE CROSS: Hebrews 12:1-2.
A wicked King decided that he would execute (kill) 40 Christians who refused to deny Christ. As the execution was going on, the spiritual eye of one of the soldiers was opened. He saw that as the Christians were being killed one after the other, an angel was standing by putting crowns on their heads. When it was the turn of the last Christian to be killed, he became fearful and denied Christ. The soldier whose eyes was opened to see the glorious entry into heaven of the executed Christians, quickly offered to take the place of the fearful Christian. This soldier was killed and he received the last crown and was translated into heaven. There is a common saying thus: “No cross, No crown”. This means that the way to receive the crown is through enduring the cross.
Jesus surrendered to die on the cross to show us an example that anyone who follows Him must suffer (2 Timothy 3:12). The cross that believers bear differs from person to person. The cross therefore can be in form of:- Persecution directly from Satan, unsaved family members, and former sinful friends; Death of a loved one.; Ridicule from the children of Satan; Denial of legitimate right; Delay in receiving answer to prayers; Unexplained and unpleasant situation; Unjust suffering, ill-treatment and hatred; temptations, trials of faith, among many others.
Jesus bore His cross to win the crown, we also can successfully bear our cross with Him and win the crown.
2. BEARING THE CROSS: Matthew 16:24-27; Philippians 1:27-30; 2:5-8;
Revelation 2:10.
Jesus Christ laid aside His heavenly glory, position and power to die on the cross. He suffered a lot of things for our sake. Apostle Paul was a Christian committed to bearing his cross because he knew that his crown awaited him at the end (2 Timothy 4:8). He was stoned, beaten, suffered shipwreck, hated by his countrymen yet he endured it all.
There are certain Christian characteristics essential for bearing the cross, they include:- Christlike submission and total surrenderdness: Jesus our Master is our perfect example. He totally surrendered to the will of the Father to suffer the shame and agony of the death on the cross Luke 22:42; John 4:34.
Endurance – Endure persecution and shame. Do not fight back but rather pray like Stephen who said “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge” (Acts 7:60b).
Patience – Be patient like Job because your redeemer liveth (Job 19:25).
Humility – Be humble like Christ who was led like a Sheep to the slaughter yet opened not His mouth (Isaiah 53:7).
Prayerfulness – Always praying and singing praises like Paul and Silas. And their praises brought an earthquake that shook the foundation of the prison (Acts 16:25-26).
Joy – Rejoice like the Apostles who were happy to be counted worthy to suffer for Christ’ sake (Acts 5:41).
Remember that the Christian race is about cross bearing. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (Mathew 16:24). As the saints before us were able to endure, we shall also endure to the end.  Looking unto Jesus who is the source of strength, grace, and help in time of need.
3. WINNING THE CROWN: 2 Timothy 4:6-8; James 1:12.
There are enough crowns in heaven for every believer who will successfully bear his cross till the end. Do not allow another person to take your crown. It is only those that shall endure till the end that shall be saved and wear their golden crowns. Pray for grace to be qualified to receive yours. If you are not yet born again, there is no crown for you. Take a step of faith now. Repent of your sins and ask God for forgiveness and cleansing of your sins. The blood of Jesus will save and keep you till the end.