Thursday, December 18, 2014


2 Corinthians 6:1-13

Blemish means something that is dirty, stained and in pure. A life without blemish therefore is one that is holy and free from any form of sin no matter how insignificant. A life without blemish is a life that is blameless. For a child to live without blemish, he must first be saved from sin as he takes these steps:- (a) Realize that he is a sinner (b) Repent and confess his sins to God (c) Ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Turn from all his bad ways. (d) Ask Jesus to be his Saviour and Lord (f) Be determined to press on for other Christian experiences such as sanctification and Holy Ghost Baptism. As you prayerfully take these steps, you will become a new creature, old things (sins) will pass away from your life (2 Corinthians 5:17).
          However, the saved child must remember that this world is full of corruption and evil. To live a life without blemish, the Christian must watch and pray. You must be blameless so as not to bring shame to the Name of God. To be blameless therefore, the Christian child must be watchful in the following areas. (i) The company you keep you; must separate from corrupt people who can influence you to follow their bad ways.
(ii) The way you talk, yourself there should be no jesting, or dirty jokes. Avoid too much talking. Be sober and quiet and speak the truth always. (iii) Your appetite; you must eat moderately. Control yourself, do not eat anyhow. Be satisfied with whatever your parents can provide for you. (iv) Be ready to suffer for Christ sake. Do not complain or murmur. Be prayerful (v) Perfect love for God and for people around you. There should be no hatred or fighting. Be kind to others.
          Your life should be clean and pure whether you are in the church, school, house or neighbourhood. People around you should have good report about you.
          There were many children in the Bible who lived in a corrupt society yet remained blameless. Examples are
Joseph - He feared God and refused to defile his body (Genesis 39:9).
Samuel – He was a child with great honour because his life was blameless (1 Samuel 12:3, 4).
Daniel – His enemies could not find any occasion to accuse him of any wrong doing. He refused to be defiled in any way (Daniel 6:3, 4).
Esther – She was a virgin, pure and obedient (Esther 2:5-9).
Timothy – He was an example of a believer in word, conversation, charity, spirit, faith and purity (1 Timothy 4:12).
          They all reaped great blessings; you will be blessed if you follow their example. God expects all His children to serve Him without blemish. Jesus has set the example for us to follow when He said “The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me” (John 14:30). Therefore, your watchword every day of your life should be “I must be blameless”. God will keep you.
1. What does it mean to live a life without blemish?
2. Mention three children in the Bible who lived a life without blemish.
3. Mention three areas which you must be watchful in order to live a blameless life.
4. Who is our perfect example?
5. How can a sinful child live without blemish?

MEMORY VERSE: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
ACTIVITY: Children should consecrate their lives to Christ.

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