Thursday, December 18, 2014


1 John 4:7-12

Love is not just an ordinary feeling, rather it is an attitude that reveals itself in our action towards other people. Although love is an aspect of the fruit of the spirit, (Galatians 5:22) we are still expected to develop it as we relate with one another. The Bible commands us to love for the following reasons: - (a) Love is the very nature of God which He showed us by giving His own Son to die for our sins. He wants us to share His nature because we are born of Him. (b) Because God loved us, we must also love others at all cost (c) If we love one another, God will continues to abide with us and His love will be perfected in us. (d) As we show love, unbelievers will know that we are Christ’ disciples.
We are to love others based on Christ’s sacrificial love for us. Such love will bring sinners to Christ, make friends of Jesus to be strong and united in a world that is hostile to the children of God.
We show true Christian love by: sharing what we have with others, helping those in need, being kind to people, praying for everybody, preaching the gospel to sinners and forgiving those who offend us.
On the other hand, when love is absent, the works of the flesh will show forth like quarreling, bitterness, unforgiving spirit, selfishness, gossiping, hatred and other bad behaviours. It is therefore important that every member of the fellowship must surrender their lives to Christ. There should be genuine repentance and cleansing of all sins by the blood of Jesus Christ. Thereby we shall have grace to show love to those around us. When we show love, God will pour His blessings. There will be: - answers to prayer, spiritual and numerical growth in the fellowship, good health, success, promotion, abundance of daily needs and eternal life with Jesus in heaven.
Have you accepted the love of Jesus? If no, you must repent of your sins and accept Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord. As a friend of Jesus, you must strive to show unconditional love to everybody around you.


1. What is love?
2. State two reasons why God commands us to love.
3. Who can show love to others like Jesus did?
4. Mention three ways whereby you can show love to others.
5. How can a sinner receive grace to show love to others?

MEMORY VERSE: “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God” 1 John 4:7.

ACTIVITY: The children are to prayerfully sing “Give me love for my brethren”.

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