Friday, February 20, 2015


Philippians 4:10-13.

Jesus Christ came to this world for the purpose of saving mankind from their sins including boys and girls (Matthew 1:21). When man disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, God promised that the seed of man will bruise the head of Satan because he deceived man and made him to disobey God (Genesis 3:15). This promise was fulfilled when Jesus volunteered to come into the world and paid the price for our sins with His blood, in obedience to God His Father. He came preaching the gospel of repentance from sin, teaching the word of God, healing the sick and delivering the oppressed. Jesus shed His blood and died for us all (Mark 15:17-18). He loved us and gave Himself to die for our sin. He set us free to become members of the family of God and enjoy the provisions and privileges of His Kingdom.

1.  JESUS: THE UNLIMITED SAVIOUR: Isaiah 7,16; Matthew 1:21; John 3:16-18.
     Before Jesus was born, it had been prophesied that a virgin shall bring forth a Son and His name shall be called Emmanuel, which means God with us (Isaiah 7:14). He was also called Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus’ power to save is unlimited. All power in heaven and on earth belongs to Him. Nobody can stop Him from whatever He says He will do (Matthew 11:28-30). Jesus has paid the price. He finished all that was needed for our salvation (John 19:30). He is knocking at the door of the hearts of every boy and girl and if anyone opens, He will enter and have fellowship with him/her. Jesus is ready to fill your lives with His love and give you abundant life.
     Jesus Christ is the Saviour. Free and full salvation can only be found in Him. There is no other person whom God has given the power to save us from sin. (Acts 4:12). As a sinner, you must open your heart to Jesus and let Him come inside.

2. JESUS: THE GIVER OF EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING: John 17:17; Acts 1:8, Ephesians 1:3
      Jesus does not only save us from our sins, He also gives us all other spiritual blessings. He sanctifies our hearts with His blood and makes us holy. He also baptizes us with the Holy Ghost power and gives other spiritual power that enables us to do great and mighty works for Him. Jesus has unlimited power. Make Him your Saviour and friend and your life will not remain the same. Jesus only is our Saviour, sanctifier and Baptizer in the Holy Ghost. When you totally surrender your life to Him, there is nothing you need that He will not supply in His sufficiency.

3.  KNOW JESUS AND BE SATISFIED: Philippians 4:12,13; Colossians 1:16; 2:9-10.
     Jesus owns and controls everything in the world. He gives us all things richly to enjoy. By Him all things were created and they exist. All our needs are provided as we ask whatever we desire from God in His Name. All that come to Him will find rest (Mark 11:28). When you give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ and abide in Him, you will have peace and satisfaction of all your needs both spiritual and physical. A life without Christ is a life full of crises and without peace.
     Jesus assured all His friends that they should not worry about their needs or be anxious for what they will eat, drink or be clothed with; for our heavenly Father knows that they need them (Matthew 6:11-12). The Lord Jesus satisfies. He is able to supply all your needs if you know Him and you are His friend. If you are still doing bad things, it shows that you are yet to know Him (I John 3:6). You must confess your sins today. Turn away from them, ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus. When you believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Saviour and Lord, you will become unlimited and complete in Him. He will supply all your spiritual, physical and material needs. He will also give you sufficient grace to follow Him to the end.

1.  Jesus came to this world to save ________________.
2.  Mention three spiritual blessings that Jesus gives?
3.  Jesus satisfies like no one else. Yes/No?
4.  Who is the giver of every spiritual blessings?
5.  What must a sinner do to be happy and truly satisfied?

MEMORY VERSE:And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

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