Tuesday, June 19, 2012


John 1:29-51; 4:27-30

      A child of God is someone who has been saved from his bad and naughty ways. He is born again and is a friend of Jesus. He no longer steals, fights or tells lies. He has stopped living a bad life and now lives a new life pleasing God and Jesus. Testimony means telling others about the good things that God has done for you. As a child of God, you tell other children about how God forgave your sins when you said “sorry” and stopped doing them. That is the testimony of your salvation.
      In the stories from the Bible passages which we have read, there were people who gave testimonies of how they were saved and how they met Jesus.
      John the Baptist described Jesus as the Lamb of God, ‘the one who took away our sins’ to two of his followers (John 1:29, 35-37). Andrew was one of them. When they heard the testimony of John the Baptist, they left him and started following Jesus.
      Andrew having spent the night with Jesus went home to tell his brother- Peter, about Jesus. Peter also became a great follower of Jesus (John 1:40-42).
      Jesus found Philip in Galilee and said to him, “Follow Me” (John 1:43).
      Philip went to tell Nathaniel and brought him to Jesus. Nathaniel (Bartholomew) became a follower of Jesus.
      The Samaritan woman met with Jesus and her bad life was changed. She went and brought her sin partners and others to Jesus. Through her testimony, they believed and were saved (John 4:29-30).
      Sometime ago, there lived a girl called Gloria. She was a child of God. One day, she told her friend, Jessica about how she became born again. Jessica saw a great change in the life of Gloria. She too prayed to Jesus to forgive her and she was forgiven. Her life also became beautiful for Jesus.
      Friends of Jesus must not be ashamed of Jesus. You must share your testimony with others and also testify of the good things that God is doing in the lives of people so as to bring peace, joy and happiness to them. Do this in love, patiently and all the time. There are many children who want to love Jesus, but they do not know how. It is your duty to tell them. The Spirit of God will teach you how to do it. You need to be prayerful as well.
      A child who is not sure of his salvation and is doing bad things like being stubborn, disobedient, stealing must first turn away from them, ask for God’s forgiveness and ask Jesus to be his Lord and Saviour. It is only then that he has a testimony to share. As you obey the Lord, He will bless you in Jesus’ Name.

1.   Who is a child of God?
2.   Explain the meaning of ‘testimony’?
3.   How did Andrew hear about Jesus?
4.   What happened to the Samaritan woman after her bad life was changed?
5.   How did Jessica become a child of God?
6.   How can you share your testimony?

MEMORY VERSE: Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? (John 4:29).

ACTIVITY: A boy and a girl should share the testimony of how they became friends of Jesus.

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